2.9.203 PLRSID
The PLRSID structure is an array of revision-save identifiers (RSIDs), as specified in [ECMA-376] part 4, section
1 |
2 |
3 |
irsidMac |
cbRsidInFile |
cbHeadExtraInFile |
reserved1 |
reserved2 |
reserved3 |
rgrsid (variable) |
... |
irsidMac (4 bytes): An unsigned integer value that specifies the count of RSIDs that are contained in rgrsid.
cbRsidInFile (4 bytes): An unsigned integer value that specifies the size, in bytes, of an RSID. This value MUST be 4.
cbHeadExtraInFile (4 bytes): An unsigned integer value that MUST be 8.
reserved1 (4 bytes): An unsigned integer value that MUST be 229.
reserved2 (4 bytes): An unsigned integer value that MUST be less than "32". This value MUST be ignored.
reserved3 (4 bytes): This value is undefined and MUST be ignored.
rgrsid (variable): An array of RSID elements.