2.9.7 ATRDPre10
The ATRDPre10 structure contains information about a comment in the document including the initials of the author, an index to a string table with the name of the author, and a bookmark (1) identifier. More information about the comment can be specified in a corresponding ATRDPost10 in the AtrdExtra at position fcAtrdExtra.
1 |
2 |
3 |
xstUsrInitl (20 bytes) |
... |
... |
ibst |
bitsNotUsed |
grfNotused |
lTagBkmk |
... |
xstUsrInitl (20 bytes): An LPXCharBuffer9 containing the initials of the user who left the annotation.
ibst (2 bytes): An index into the string table of comment author names. MUST be greater than or equal to zero, and MUST be less than the number of XSTs at position fcGrpXstAtnOwners.
bitsNotUsed (2 bytes): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.
grfNotused (2 bytes): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.
lTagBkmk (4 bytes): A 4-byte value that identifies a bookmark (1) identifier. This value MUST be equal to -1 if and only if this comment is on a length zero text range in the Main Document. Otherwise MUST be equal to the lTag of one of the ATNBE structures in the SttbfAtnBkmk structure at position fcSttbfAtnBkmk.