Referenced by: VtString
Specifies data for a null-terminated single-byte character string, the encoding of which corresponds to the value of the enclosing property set’s CodePage property ([MS-OLEPS] section 2.18.2). This type deviates from the CodePageString type specified in [MS-OLEPS] section 2.5 in the way that the cch field can be calculated and in the limit to the length of the string.
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cch |
value (variable) |
... |
padding (variable) |
... |
cch (4 bytes): An unsigned integer specifying the number of single-byte characters in the value field. SHOULD be less than or equal to 0x0000FFFF.<15> SHOULD specify the number of characters in the value field including the terminating NULL character but not including padding. MAY specify the number of characters in both the value and padding fields.<16>
value (variable): A null-terminated array of single-byte characters defining the string.
padding (variable): An array of bytes. The length of the array MUST be the smallest number of bytes required to pad the size of the value field to a multiple of 4 bytes. The padding SHOULD be 0x00 values, but MAY be undefined values, and MUST be ignored.<17>