The PtgRef3d operand specifies a reference to a single cell on one or more sheets.
If the formula (section 2.2.2) containing this structure is part of a revision as specified in the Formulas overview (section 2.2.2), then there MUST be a RevExtern in the RgbExtra corresponding to this PtgRef3d, which specifies those sheets.
1 |
2 |
3 |
ptg |
A |
B |
ixti |
loc |
... |
ptg (5 bits): Reserved. MUST be 0x1A.
A - type (2 bits): A PtgDataType that specifies the required data type for the value of the Ptg.
B - reserved (1 bit): MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.
ixti (2 bytes): If the formula containing this structure is not part of a revision as specified in the Formulas overview, then this value is an XtiIndex that specifies the XTI which specifies those sheets. Otherwise it is undefined and MUST be ignored.
loc (4 bytes): A value that specifies coordinates of the referenced cell. If this PtgRef3d is part of a NameParsedFormula then this is a RgceLocRel value. Otherwise it is a RgceLoc value.