2.4.138 HFPicture
The HFPicture record specifies a picture used by a sheet header or footer. The picture MUST be specified in either an OfficeArtDgContainer or OfficeArtDggContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW]. The picture can be continued across multiple HFPicture records. The OfficeArtClientAnchor structure mentioned in [MS-ODRAW] refers to OfficeArtClientAnchorHF.
1 |
2 |
3 |
frtHeader |
... |
... |
A |
B |
C |
unused |
reserved |
rgDrawing (variable) |
... |
frtHeader (12 bytes): An FrtHeader structure. The frtHeader.rt field MUST be 0x0866.
A - fIsDrawing (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether rgDrawing is an OfficeArtDgContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW]. MUST be a value from the following table:
rgDrawing is an OfficeArtDggContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW] and fIsDrawingGroup MUST be 1.
rgDrawing is an OfficeArtDgContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW] and fIsDrawingGroup MUST be 0.
B - fIsDrawingGroup (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether rgDrawing is an OfficeArtDggContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW]. MUST be a value from the following table:
rgDrawing is an OfficeArtDgContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW] and fIsDrawing MUST be 1.
rgDrawing is an OfficeArtDggContainer record as specified in [MS-ODRAW] and fIsDrawing MUST be 0.
C - fContinue (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this record is continuing the previous HFPicture record. The value 0 means it is the first HFPicture record.
unused (5 bits): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
reserved (1 byte): MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.
rgDrawing (variable): The meaning of this field is specified in the following table.
Value of fIsDrawing
Meaning of rgDrawing
This is an OfficeArtDggContainer as specified in [MS-ODRAW] that specifies the drawing group of this picture.
This is an OfficeArtDgContainer as specified in [MS-ODRAW] that specifies the drawing object of this picture