2.5.137 FrtRefHeader
The FrtRefHeader structure specifies a future record type header.
1 |
2 |
3 |
rt |
grbitFrt |
ref8 |
... |
rt (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the record type identifier. MUST be identical to the record type identifier of the containing record.
grbitFrt (2 bytes): A FrtFlags that specifies attributes for this record. The value of grbitFrt.fFrtAlert MUST be zero.
ref8 (8 bytes): A Ref8 that references the range of cells associated with the containing record. If grbitFrt.fFrtRef is zero then ref8.rwFirst MUST be zero, ref8.rwLast MUST be zero, ref8.colFirst MUST be zero, and ref8.colLast MUST be zero.