2.4.270 StyleExt
The StyleExt record specifies additional information for a cell style.
1 |
2 |
3 |
frtHeader |
... |
... |
A |
B |
C |
reserved |
iCategory |
builtInData |
stName (variable) |
... |
xfProps (variable) |
... |
frtHeader (12 bytes): An FrtHeader structure. The frtHeader.rt field MUST be 0x0892.
A - fBuiltIn (1 bit): A bit that specifies if this is a built-in cell style. If the value is 1, this is a built-in cell style. This value MUST match the fBuiltIn field of the preceding Style record.
B - fHidden (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether the cell style is not displayed in the user interface.
C - fCustom (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether the built-in cell style was modified by the user and thus has a custom definition. If this field is equal to 1, then fBuiltIn MUST equal 1.
reserved (5 bits): MUST be zero and MUST be ignored.
iCategory (1 byte): An unsigned integer that specifies which style category (2) that this style belongs to. MUST be one of the values from the following table:
Custom style
Good, bad, neutral style
Data model style
Title and heading style
Themed cell style
Number format style
builtInData (2 bytes): A BuiltInStyle structure that specifies the built-in cell style properties. If fBuiltIn is 0, this field MUST be 0xFFFF and MUST be ignored. If fBuiltIn is 1, this field MUST match the builtInData field of the preceding Style record.
stName (variable): An LPWideString structure that specifies the name of the style to extend. MUST be less than or equal to 255 characters in length. If fBuiltIn is 0, the name specified by this field MUST match the name specified by the user field of the preceding Style record.
xfProps (variable): An XFProps structure that specifies the formatting properties.