The SXAddl_SXCView_SXDTableStyleClient record specifies table style properties for a PivotTable view, for an SxcView class.
1 |
2 |
3 |
hdr |
... |
reserved1 |
... |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
reserved2 |
stName (variable) |
... |
hdr (6 bytes): An SXAddlHdr structure. The value of hdr.sxc MUST equal 0x00 and the value of hdr.sxd MUST equal 0x1E.
reserved1 (6 bytes): MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.
A - unused (1 bit): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
B - fLastColumn (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether any table style elements (as specified by TableStyleElement) with a tseType field equal to 0x00000004 are applied to the PivotTable view.
C - fRowStrips (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether any table style elements (as specified by TableStyleElement) with a tseType field equal to 0x00000005 or 0x00000006 are applied to the PivotTable view.
D - fColumnStrips (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether any table style elements (as specified by TableStyleElement) with a tseType field equal to 0x00000007 or 0x00000008 are applied to the PivotTable view.
E - fRowHeaders (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether any table style elements (as specified by TableStyleElement) with a tseType field equal to 0x00000003, 0x00000017, 0x00000018, or 0x00000019 are applied to the PivotTable view.
F - fColumnHeaders (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether any table style elements (as specified by TableStyleElement) with a tseType field equal to 0x00000001, 0x00000014, 0x00000015, or 0x00000016 are applied to the PivotTable view.
G - fDefaultStyle (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether to apply the default TableStyle to the PivotTable view.
reserved2 (9 bits): MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.
stName (variable): An LPWideString structure that specifies the name of the TableStyle applied to the PivotTable view. The length MUST be greater than zero and less than or equal to 255 characters.