2.4.258 ShapePropsStream
The ShapePropsStream record specifies the shape formatting properties for chart elements. These shape formatting properties are a superset of the properties stored in the LineFormat, AreaFormat, MarkerFormat, and GelFrame records. They are stored in the rgb field, which is an XML stream (section, as defined in [ECMA-376] Part 4, section<117>
1 |
2 |
3 |
frtHeader |
... |
... |
wObjContext |
unused |
dwChecksum |
cb |
rgb (variable) |
... |
frtHeader (12 bytes): An FrtHeader structure. The frtHeader.rt field of the field MUST be 0x08A4.
wObjContext (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the chart element that the shape formatting properties in this record apply to.
If this record is in a sequence of records that specifies an AXS rule, then it MUST be a value from the following table:
The shape properties in this record apply to the axis.
The shape properties in this record apply to the major gridlines of the axis.
The shape properties in this record apply to the minor gridlines of the axis.
The shape properties in this record apply to the three-dimensional surfaces of the walls or floor.
If this record precedes an End record matched by a Begin record in a sequence of records that conforms to the CRT rule, then this field MUST be a value from the following table:
The shape properties in this record apply to the drop lines of the chart group.
The shape properties in this record apply to the high-low lines of the chart group.
The shape properties in this record apply to the leader lines of the chart group.
The shape properties in this record apply to the series lines of the chart group.
If this record is in a sequence of records that conforms to the SS rule, then this field MUST be a value from the following table:
The shape properties in this record apply to the series, data points, error bars, or trendlines specified by the DataFormat record.
The shape properties in this record apply to the data markers specified by the DataFormat record.
If this record is in a sequence of records that conforms to the FRAME rule, then it MUST be 0x0000, which means the shape properties apply to the current chart area (section, plot area, legend, or attached label.
If this record is in a sequence of records that conforms to the DROPBAR rule as specified by the Chart Sheet Substream ABNF, then it MUST be 0x0000, which means the shape properties apply to up bar or down bar formatting.
unused (2 bytes): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
dwChecksum (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the checksum of the shape formatting properties related to this record. The algorithm used to calculate the checksum is defined by [MS-OSHARED] section The checksum MUST be calculated by using every property of the property stream, as a stream of bytes as specified by the ShapePropsStreamChecksumData structure.
The information required to build the stream of bytes can be gathered from the LineFormat, AreaFormat, MarkerFormat, and GelFrame records associated with this record, as specified by LinePropertiesForShapePropsStreamChecksum, InteriorColorPropertiesForShapePropsStreamChecksum, and FillStylePropertiesForShapePropsStreamChecksum.
When reading this record, the checksum is calculated as previously specified and compared to the dwChecksum value stored in this record. If the calculated checksum does not match the dwChecksum value, the application MUST assume that the XML stream is out of date, and the data from the LineFormat, AreaFormat, MarkerFormat, and GelFrame records MUST be used instead of the data specified by the XML stream (section
cb (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the length of the character array in the rgb field.
rgb (variable): An array of ANSI characters whose length is specified by cb that contains the XML representation of the shape formatting properties as defined in [ECMA-376] Part 4, section<118>