2.4.130 FrtWrapper
The FrtWrapper record wraps around a non-Future Record Type (FRT) record and converts it into an FRT record.
1 |
2 |
3 |
frtHeaderOld |
wrappedRecord (variable) |
... |
frtWrapperPadding (variable) |
... |
frtHeaderOld (4 bytes): An FrtHeaderOld structure. The frtHeaderOld.rt MUST be 0x0851.
wrappedRecord (variable): A Font, Continue, LineFormat, AreaFormat, SeriesText, DefaultText, Text, FontX, ObjectLink, Frame, Begin, End, PicF, Pos, AlRuns, BRAI, Fbi, or GelFrame that specifies the record being wrapped. These records MUST be wrapped in this FrtWrapper if they are part of a collection defined by StartObject and EndObject. These records appear according to their record name and not as FrtWrapper in the ABNF specified in chart sheet substream.
frtWrapperPadding (variable): An array of bytes that is used to pad FrtWrapper. Each element MUST be zero and MUST be ignored. This field MUST be present if and only if the size of the wrappedRecord is less than 8 bytes. If present, the size of frtWrapperPadding MUST be specified by the following formula:
8 bytes – (size of wrappedRecord)
The size of the padded FrtWrapper MUST be no less than the size of the FrtHeader structure (12 bytes).