2.4.165 MDXSet
The MDXSet record specifies MDX set metadata.
1 |
2 |
3 |
frtHeader |
... |
... |
istrConnName |
tfnSrc |
sso |
istrSetDef |
... |
cistr |
... |
rgistr (variable) |
... |
frtHeader (12 bytes): An FrtHeader structure. The frtHeader.rt field MUST be 0x887.
istrConnName (4 bytes): An MDXStrIndex structure that specifies the index of the connection name string.
tfnSrc (1 byte): A Tag_Fn_MDX enumeration that specifies the type of cube function that generated the metadata. The value MUST be equal to TFNCUBESET or TFNCUBESETCOUNT.
sso (1 byte): An SD_SetSortOrder enumeration that specifies the set sort order.
istrSetDef (4 bytes): An MDXStrIndex structure that specifies the index of the set definition string.
cistr (4 bytes): A signed integer that specifies the number of MDX unique name strings. The value MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to the total number of MDXStr records in the file.
rgistr (variable): An array of MDXStrIndex structures that specifies the indexes of the MDX unique name strings. The number of the elements in the array MUST be equal to the value of cistr.