2.4.726 BrtPCDIAString
The BrtPCDIAString record specifies a cache item (section that contains a string and additional data.
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st (variable) |
... |
info (variable) |
... |
st (variable): An XLWideString (section 2.5.169) that specifies the value of this cache item. If the bVerCacheCreated field of the BrtBeginPivotCacheDef (section 2.4.168) record preceding this record is less than 0x03, then the length of the string specified by this field MUST be less than or equal to 255 characters; otherwise the length of the string specified by this field MUST be less than or equal to 32767 characters.
info (variable): A PCDIAddlInfo (section 2.5.100) that specifies additional data associated with this cache item.