2.4.787 BrtSlicerCacheBookPivotTables
The BrtSlicerCacheBookPivotTables record specifies the Non-Worksheet PivotTables (section that will be filtered by the slicer cache (section as defined by the Slicer Cache (section part ABNF.
1 |
2 |
3 |
FRTHeader |
cpivotTables |
pivotTables (variable) |
... |
FRTHeader (4 bytes): An FRTBlank (section 2.5.55) that specifies the future record (section 2.1.6) information for this record.
cpivotTables (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the count of PivotTable views specified by this record. MUST match the number of SlicerCachePivotTable (section 2.5.137) structures within the pivotTables array.
pivotTables (variable): An array of SlicerCachePivotTable structures that specify the Non-Worksheet PivotTables (section of this record. The array MUST NOT contain duplicate structures. Field bVerSxMacro of BrtBeginSXView (section 2.4.275) of each PivotTable view in this array MUST be greater than or equal to 3. Field fNotViewCalculatedMembers of BrtBeginSXView of all PivotTable view in this array MUST have the same value. Field of fCalcMembersInAdvFilters of BrtBeginSXView14 in all PivotTable view MUST have the same value. The PivotTable (section part specified by each SlicerCachePivotTable structure of this array MUST have an explicit relationship, specified by the BrtPivotTableRef (section 2.4.749), record with the workbook.