2.4.671 BrtFileSharing
The BrtFileSharing record specifies file sharing options.
1 |
2 |
3 |
fReadOnlyRec |
wResPass |
stUserName (variable) |
... |
fReadOnlyRec (2 bytes): A Boolean (section that specifies whether the read-only recommended option is selected for this file. If the value is 1, the read-only recommended option is selected for this file.
wResPass (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the password verifier value, which has been calculated as specified in the Password Verifier Algorithm (section 2.2.9) overview, for write reservation. If the value is 0, there is no write reservation password.
stUserName (variable): A XLNullableWideString (section 2.5.167) that specifies the name of the user that added the write-reservation password. The length of stUserName MUST NOT exceed 54 characters.