2.4.821 BrtSXTupleItems
The BrtSXTupleItems record specifies a collection of MDX unique names that identifies the value in the OLAP source data (section using PivotTable What-if Analysis (section
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FRTHeader |
cstTuple |
rgStTuple (variable) |
... |
FRTHeader (4 bytes): An FRTBlank (section 2.5.55) that specifies the future record (section 2.1.6) information for this record.
cstTuple (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the count of MDX unique names in the rgStTuple field. It MUST be greater than 0 and MUST be less than or equal to 0x7FFFFFFF.
rgStTuple (variable): An array of XLWideString (section 2.5.169). Each XLWideString in the array specifies a MDX unique name. The length of each XLWideString MUST be greater than 0 and MUST be less than or equal to 65535 characters.