
Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml

Referenced by: glow

A complex type that specifies the color and radius of glow.

Child Elements:

srgbClr: A CT_SRgbColor element that specifies the color in the RGB color model.

schemeClr: A CT_SchemeColor element that specifies a color from a theme. Color changes if theme bindings change.


rad: An optional ST_PositiveCoordinate (as specified in [ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section attribute that specifies the radius of glow. This attribute MAY<52> be limited further in the application. The default value for this attribute is 0.

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this complex type.

 <xsd:complexType name="CT_Glow">
     <xsd:group ref="EG_ColorChoice"/>
   <xsd:attribute name="rad" use="optional" type="a:ST_PositiveCoordinate"/>

See section 5.1 for the full W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1).