The _wireVARIANT is a container for a union that in turn contains scalar and OLE Automation data types.
typedef struct _wireVARIANT { DWORD clSize; DWORD rpcReserved; USHORT vt; USHORT wReserved1; USHORT wReserved2; USHORT wReserved3; [switch_type(ULONG), switch_is(vt)] union { [case(VT_I8)] LONGLONG llVal; [case(VT_I4)] LONG lVal; [case(VT_UI1)] BYTE bVal; [case(VT_I2)] SHORT iVal; [case(VT_R4)] FLOAT fltVal; [case(VT_R8)] DOUBLE dblVal; [case(VT_BOOL)] VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; [case(VT_ERROR)] HRESULT scode; [case(VT_CY)] CURRENCY cyVal; [case(VT_DATE)] DATE date; [case(VT_BSTR)] BSTR bstrVal; [case(VT_UNKNOWN)] IUnknown* punkVal; [case(VT_DISPATCH)] IDispatch* pdispVal; [case(VT_ARRAY)] PSAFEARRAY parray; [case(VT_RECORD, VT_RECORD|VT_BYREF)] BRECORD brecVal; [case(VT_UI1|VT_BYREF)] BYTE* pbVal; [case(VT_I2|VT_BYREF)] SHORT* piVal; [case(VT_I4|VT_BYREF)] LONG* plVal; [case(VT_I8|VT_BYREF)] LONGLONG* pllVal; [case(VT_R4|VT_BYREF)] FLOAT* pfltVal; [case(VT_R8|VT_BYREF)] DOUBLE* pdblVal; [case(VT_BOOL|VT_BYREF)] VARIANT_BOOL* pboolVal; [case(VT_ERROR|VT_BYREF)] HRESULT* pscode; [case(VT_CY|VT_BYREF)] CURRENCY* pcyVal; [case(VT_DATE|VT_BYREF)] DATE* pdate; [case(VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF)] BSTR* pbstrVal; [case(VT_UNKNOWN|VT_BYREF)] IUnknown** ppunkVal; [case(VT_DISPATCH|VT_BYREF)] IDispatch** ppdispVal; [case(VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF)] PSAFEARRAY* pparray; [case(VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF)] VARIANT* pvarVal; [case(VT_I1)] CHAR cVal; [case(VT_UI2)] USHORT uiVal; [case(VT_UI4)] ULONG ulVal; [case(VT_UI8)] ULONGLONG ullVal; [case(VT_INT)] INT intVal; [case(VT_UINT)] UINT uintVal; [case(VT_DECIMAL)] DECIMAL decVal; [case(VT_I1|VT_BYREF)] CHAR* pcVal; [case(VT_UI2|VT_BYREF)] USHORT* puiVal; [case(VT_UI4|VT_BYREF)] ULONG* pulVal; [case(VT_UI8|VT_BYREF)] ULONGLONG* pullVal; [case(VT_INT|VT_BYREF)] INT* pintVal; [case(VT_UINT|VT_BYREF)] UINT* puintVal; [case(VT_DECIMAL|VT_BYREF)] DECIMAL* pdecVal; [case(VT_EMPTY)] ; [case(VT_NULL)] ; } _varUnion; } wireVARIANTStr;
clSize: MUST be set to the size, in quad words (64 bits), of the structure.
rpcReserved: MUST be set to 0 and MUST be ignored by the recipient.
vt: MUST be set to one of the values specified with a "V" in the Context column of the table in section 2.2.7.
wReserved1: MAY be set to 0 and MUST be ignored by the recipient.<6>
wReserved2: MAY be set to 0 and MUST be ignored by the recipient.<7>
wReserved3: MAY be set to 0 and MUST be ignored by the recipient.<8>
_varUnion: MUST contain an instance of the type, according to the value in the vt field.
Data of this type MUST be marshaled as specified in [C706] section 14, with the following additional restrictions.
All fields except _varUnion MUST be marshaled using a little-endian data representation, regardless of the data representation format label. For more information, see [C706] section 14.2.5.
If the vt field has the flag VT_ARRAY set, then _varUnion MUST be marshaled according to 2.2.30.
If the vt field has the flags VT_UNKNOWN or VT_DISPATCH set, then _varUnion MUST be marshaled according to [MS-DCOM] section 1.3.2.
If the vt field has the flag VT_RECORD set, then _varUnion field MUST be marshaled according to 2.2.28.
If the vt field has the flag VT_BSTR set, then _varUnion MUST be marshaled according to 2.2.23.
If none of the preceding flags is specified in the vt field, the _varUnion field MUST be marshaled by using a little-endian data representation, regardless of the data representation format label.