BehaviorVersion Updates
If the DC functional level is DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 or greater and less than DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2008R2, then originating updates of the msDS-Behavior-Version attribute are permitted, subject to the following additional constraints:
The object being modified is the NC root of the domain NC (domain functional level) or the CN=Partitions child of the config NC (forest functional level); otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
The new value is greater than the current value; otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
The operation is performed on the FSMO (PDC for domain functional level updates, Schema Master FSMO for forest functional level updates); otherwise referral / ERROR_DS_REFERRAL is returned.
If the domain functional level is being raised, then the domain MUST NOT contain a DC whose functional level is lower than the new value. This is determined by searching the config NC for objects with objectCategory nTDSDSA whose msDS-Behavior-Version attribute value is below the new value and whose hasMasterNCs attribute contains the DN of the domain NC root. If the search returns one or more results, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION is returned.
If the forest functional level is being raised, then the forest MUST NOT contain a DC whose functional level is lower than the new value. This is determined by searching the config NC for objects with objectCategory nTDSDSA whose msDS-Behavior-Version attribute value is below the new value. If the search returns one or more results, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION is returned.
If the domain functional level is being raised from a value below DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 to a value of DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 or greater, then the domain is not a mixed-mode domain. If the domain is a mixed-mode domain, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
If the forest functional level is raised from a value below DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 to a value of DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 or greater, then the forest does not contain mixed-mode domains. If the forest does contain mixed-mode domains, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_NO_BEHAVIOR_VERSION_IN_MIXED_DOMAIN is returned.
If the DC functional level is DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2008R2 or greater, then originating updates of the msDS-Behavior-Version attribute are permitted, subject to the following additional constraints:
The object being modified is the nTDSDSA object of an RODC (DC functional level of an RODC), or NC root of the domain NC (domain functional level) or the CN=Partitions child of the config NC (forest functional level); otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
If the DC functional level of an RODC is being modified, the operation is performed on a writable DC that is a member of the same domain the RODC is a member of; otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
If the DC functional level of an RODC is being modified, the new value is greater than or equal to the domain functional level of the domain the RODC is a member of; otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
If the domain functional level is being modified, the operation is performed on the PDC FSMO; otherwise referral / ERROR_DS_REFERRAL is returned.
If the domain functional level is being modified, the new value is greater than the current value or is greater than the forest functional level; otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
If the domain functional level is being modified, then the domain MUST NOT contain a DC whose functional level is lower than the new value. This is determined by searching the config NC for objects with objectCategory nTDSDSA or nTDSDSARO, whose msDS-Behavior-Version attribute value is below the new value and whose hasMasterNCs attribute contains the DN of the domain NC root. If the search returns one or more results, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION is returned.
If the domain functional level is being raised from a value below DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 to a value of DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 or greater, then the domain is not a mixed-mode domain. If the domain is a mixed-mode domain, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.
If the forest functional level is being modified, the operation is performed on the Schema Master FSMO; otherwise referral / ERROR_DS_REFERRAL is returned.
If the forest functional level is being modified, then the forest MUST NOT contain a DC whose functional level is lower than the new value. This is determined by searching the config NC for objects with objectCategory nTDSDSA or nTDSDSARO and whose msDS-Behavior-Version attribute value is below the new value. If the search returns one or more results, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION is returned.
If the forest functional level is raised from a value below DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 to a value of DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 or greater, then the forest does not contain mixed-mode domains. If the forest does contain mixed-mode domains, then unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_NO_BEHAVIOR_VERSION_IN_MIXED_DOMAIN is returned.
If the new value is less than or equal to the existing value, the new value is greater than or equal to DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2008; otherwise, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_HIGH_DSA_VERSION is returned.
Note In applicable Windows Server releases prior to Windows Server 2012 operating system, unwillingToPerform / ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION is returned.