2.6.1 Compound File Directory Entry
The directory entry array is an array of directory entries that are grouped into a directory sector. Each storage object or stream object within a compound file is represented by a single directory entry. The space for the directory sectors that are holding the array is allocated from the FAT.
The valid values for a stream ID, which are used in the Child ID, Right Sibling ID, and Left Sibling ID fields, are 0 through MAXREGSID (0xFFFFFFFA). The special value NOSTREAM (0xFFFFFFFF) is used as a terminator.
Stream ID name |
Integer value |
Description |
0x00000000 through 0xFFFFFFF9 |
Regular stream ID to identify the directory entry. |
Maximum regular stream ID. |
Terminator or empty pointer. |
The directory entry size is fixed at 128 bytes. The name in the directory entry is limited to 32 Unicode UTF-16 code points, including the required Unicode terminating null character.
Directory entries are grouped into blocks to form directory sectors. There are four directory entries in a 512-byte directory sector (version 3 compound file), and there are 32 directory entries in a 4,096-byte directory sector (version 4 compound file). The number of directory entries can exceed the number of storage objects and stream objects due to unallocated directory entries.
The detailed Directory Entry structure is specified below.
1 |
2 |
3 |
Directory Entry Name (64 bytes) |
... |
... |
Directory Entry Name Length |
Object Type |
Color Flag |
Left Sibling ID |
Right Sibling ID
Child ID |
CLSID (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
State Bits |
Creation Time |
... |
Modified Time |
... |
Starting Sector Location |
Stream Size |
... |
Directory Entry Name (64 bytes): This field MUST contain a Unicode string for the storage or stream name encoded in UTF-16. The name MUST be terminated with a UTF-16 terminating null character. Thus, storage and stream names are limited to 32 UTF-16 code points, including the terminating null character. When locating an object in the compound file except for the root storage, the directory entry name is compared by using a special case-insensitive uppercase mapping, described in Red-Black Tree. The following characters are illegal and MUST NOT be part of the name: '/', '\', ':', '!'.
Directory Entry Name Length (2 bytes): This field MUST match the length of the Directory Entry Name Unicode string in bytes. The length MUST be a multiple of 2 and include the terminating null character in the count. This length MUST NOT exceed 64, the maximum size of the Directory Entry Name field.
Object Type (1 byte): This field MUST be 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, or 0x05, depending on the actual type of object. All other values are not valid.
Unknown or unallocated
Storage Object
Stream Object
Root Storage Object
Color Flag (1 byte): This field MUST be 0x00 (red) or 0x01 (black). All other values are not valid.
Left Sibling ID (4 bytes): This field contains the stream ID of the left sibling. If there is no left sibling, the field MUST be set to NOSTREAM (0xFFFFFFFF).
0x00000000 — 0xFFFFFFF9
Regular stream ID to identify the directory entry.
Maximum regular stream ID.
If there is no left sibling.
Right Sibling ID (4 bytes): This field contains the stream ID of the right sibling. If there is no right sibling, the field MUST be set to NOSTREAM (0xFFFFFFFF).
0x00000000 — 0xFFFFFFF9
Regular stream ID to identify the directory entry.
Maximum regular stream ID.
If there is no right sibling.
Child ID (4 bytes): This field contains the stream ID of a child object. If there is no child object, including all entries for stream objects, the field MUST be set to NOSTREAM (0xFFFFFFFF).
0x00000000 — 0xFFFFFFF9
Regular stream ID to identify the directory entry.
Maximum regular stream ID.
If there is no child object.
CLSID (16 bytes): This field contains an object class GUID, if this entry is for a storage object or root storage object. For a stream object, this field MUST be set to all zeroes. A value containing all zeroes in a storage or root storage directory entry is valid, and indicates that no object class is associated with the storage. If an implementation of the file format enables applications to create storage objects without explicitly setting an object class GUID, it MUST write all zeroes by default. If this value is not all zeroes, the object class GUID can be used as a parameter to start applications.
No object class is associated with the storage.
State Bits (4 bytes): This field contains the user-defined flags if this entry is for a storage object or root storage object. For a stream object, this field SHOULD be set to all zeroes because many implementations provide no way for applications to retrieve state bits from a stream object. If an implementation of the file format enables applications to create storage objects without explicitly setting state bits, it MUST write all zeroes by default.
Default value when no state bits are explicitly set on the object.
Creation Time (8 bytes): This field contains the creation time for a storage object, or all zeroes to indicate that the creation time of the storage object was not recorded. The Windows FILETIME structure is used to represent this field in UTC. For a stream object, this field MUST be all zeroes. For a root storage object, this field MUST be all zeroes, and the creation time is retrieved or set on the compound file itself.
No creation time was recorded for the object.
Modified Time (8 bytes): This field contains the modification time for a storage object, or all zeroes to indicate that the modified time of the storage object was not recorded. The Windows FILETIME structure is used to represent this field in UTC. For a stream object, this field MUST be all zeroes. For a root storage object, this field MAY<2> be set to all zeroes, and the modified time is retrieved or set on the compound file itself.
No modified time was recorded for the object.
Starting Sector Location (4 bytes): This field contains the first sector location if this is a stream object. For a root storage object, this field MUST contain the first sector of the mini stream, if the mini stream exists. For a storage object, this field MUST be set to all zeroes.
Stream Size (8 bytes): This 64-bit integer field contains the size of the user-defined data if this is a stream object. For a root storage object, this field contains the size of the mini stream. For a storage object, this field MUST be set to all zeroes.
For a version 3 compound file 512-byte sector size, the value of this field MUST be less than or equal to 0x80000000. (Equivalently, this requirement can be stated: the size of a stream or of the mini stream in a version 3 compound file MUST be less than or equal to 2 gigabytes (GB).) Note that as a consequence of this requirement, the most significant 32 bits of this field MUST be zero in a version 3 compound file. However, implementers should be aware that some older implementations did not initialize the most significant 32 bits of this field, and these bits might therefore be nonzero in files that are otherwise valid version 3 compound files. Although this document does not normatively specify parser behavior, it is recommended that parsers ignore the most significant 32 bits of this field in version 3 compound files, treating it as if its value were zero, unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise (for example, a parser whose purpose is to verify the correctness of a compound file).