Skip (Opnum 6)

The Skip method skips ahead in the collection by the number of elements specified.

 [id(5), helpstring("method Skip")] HRESULT Skip(
   [in] ULONG cSkipElem

cSkipElem: The number of elements to skip ahead in the collection.

Return Values: An HRESULT specifying success or failure. All success codes other than S_FALSE MUST be treated the same, and all failure codes MUST be treated the same.

Return value/code




The number of elements skipped was not the same as the number requested.

When this method is invoked, the server MUST attempt to skip ahead cSkipElem elements in the enumerator from its current location, and fail the call, returning a failure HRESULT back to the client if it cannot. If the number of elements in the enumerator from its current location is less than the count specified in cSkipElem, the server MUST return S_FALSE as a success HRESULT.