2.1 Claims Transformation Algorithm Details
The Claims Transformation Algorithm is illustrated in the following state machine diagram, which consists of the following states:
Initialization: Initializing the internal state (section 2.1.3).
Claims Transformation Rules Syntax Evaluation: Validating that the given transformation rules text conforms to the claims transformation rules language syntax and generating transformation rules (section
Claims Transformation Rules Processing: Transforming input claims to output claims using transformation rules (section
Collect Output: Collecting the output claims from the transformation process.
Figure 1: Claims Transformation Algorithm state machine
The Claims Transformation Algorithm depends only on the given input per invocation and does not use any other state for its functioning. It maintains state only on a per-invocation basis and only for the duration of the invocation and does not preserve state beyond that scope.
See the following sections for more details on the various states of the state machine.