6 Appendix A: Full IDL
For ease of implementation, the full IDL is provided.
import "ms-dtyp.idl"; typedef GUID CLSID; typedef GUID IID; typedef unsigned hyper ID; typedef unsigned hyper OXID; typedef unsigned hyper OID; typedef unsigned hyper SETID; typedef GUID IPID; typedef GUID CID; #define REFGUID const GUID * #define REFIID const IID * typedef REFGUID REFIPID; typedef struct tagCOMVERSION { unsigned short MajorVersion; unsigned short MinorVersion; } COMVERSION; typedef struct tagORPC_EXTENT { GUID id; unsigned long size; [size_is((size+7)&~7)] byte data[]; } ORPC_EXTENT; typedef struct tagORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY { unsigned long size; unsigned long reserved; [size_is((size+1)&~1,), unique] ORPC_EXTENT **extent; } ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY; typedef struct tagORPCTHIS { COMVERSION version; unsigned long flags; unsigned long reserved1; CID cid; [unique] ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY *extensions; } ORPCTHIS; typedef struct tagORPCTHAT { unsigned long flags; [unique] ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY *extensions; } ORPCTHAT; typedef struct tagDUALSTRINGARRAY { unsigned short wNumEntries; unsigned short wSecurityOffset; [size_is(wNumEntries)] unsigned short aStringArray[]; } DUALSTRINGARRAY; enum tagCPFLAGS { CPFLAG_PROPAGATE = 0x1, CPFLAG_EXPOSE = 0x2, CPFLAG_ENVOY = 0x4, }; typedef struct tagMInterfacePointer { unsigned long ulCntData; [size_is(ulCntData)] byte abData[]; } MInterfacePointer; typedef [unique] MInterfacePointer * PMInterfacePointer; typedef struct tagErrorObjectData { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwHelpContext; IID iid; [unique,string]wchar_t* pszSource; [unique,string]wchar_t* pszDescription; [unique,string]wchar_t* pszHelpFile; } ErrorObjectData; [ uuid(4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IActivation { const unsigned long MAX_REQUESTED_INTERFACES = 0x8000; const unsigned long MAX_REQUESTED_PROTSEQS = 0x8000; error_status_t RemoteActivation( [in] handle_t hRpc, [in] ORPCTHIS *ORPCthis, [out] ORPCTHAT *ORPCthat, [in] GUID *Clsid, [in, string, unique] wchar_t *pwszObjectName, [in, unique] MInterfacePointer *pObjectStorage, [in] DWORD ClientImpLevel, [in] DWORD Mode, [in,range(1,MAX_REQUESTED_INTERFACES)]DWORD Interfaces, [in,unique,size_is(Interfaces)] IID *pIIDs, [in,range(0,MAX_REQUESTED_PROTSEQS)] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs, [in, size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)] unsigned short aRequestedProtseqs[], [out] OXID *pOxid, [out] DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOxidBindings, [out] IPID *pipidRemUnknown, [out] DWORD *pAuthnHint, [out] COMVERSION *pServerVersion, [out] HRESULT *phr, [out,size_is(Interfaces), disable_consistency_check] MInterfacePointer **ppInterfaceData, [out,size_is(Interfaces), disable_consistency_check] HRESULT *pResults ); } [ uuid(000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRemoteSCMActivator { void Opnum0NotUsedOnWire(void); void Opnum1NotUsedOnWire(void); void Opnum2NotUsedOnWire(void); HRESULT RemoteGetClassObject( [in] handle_t rpc, [in] ORPCTHIS *orpcthis, [out] ORPCTHAT *orpcthat, [in,unique] MInterfacePointer *pActProperties, [out] MInterfacePointer **ppActProperties ); HRESULT RemoteCreateInstance( [in] handle_t rpc, [in] ORPCTHIS *orpcthis, [out] ORPCTHAT *orpcthat, [in,unique] MInterfacePointer *pUnkOuter, [in,unique] MInterfacePointer *pActProperties, [out] MInterfacePointer **ppActProperties ); } [ uuid(99fcfec4-5260-101b-bbcb-00aa0021347a), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IObjectExporter { [idempotent] error_status_t ResolveOxid ( [in] handle_t hRpc, [in] OXID *pOxid, [in] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs, [in, ref, size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)] unsigned short arRequestedProtseqs[], [out, ref] DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOxidBindings, [out, ref] IPID *pipidRemUnknown, [out, ref] DWORD *pAuthnHint ); [idempotent] error_status_t SimplePing ( [in] handle_t hRpc, [in] SETID *pSetId ); [idempotent] error_status_t ComplexPing ( [in] handle_t hRpc, [in, out] SETID *pSetId, [in] unsigned short SequenceNum, [in] unsigned short cAddToSet, [in] unsigned short cDelFromSet, [in, unique, size_is(cAddToSet)] OID AddToSet[], [in, unique, size_is(cDelFromSet)] OID DelFromSet[], [out] unsigned short *pPingBackoffFactor ); [idempotent] error_status_t ServerAlive ( [in] handle_t hRpc ); [idempotent] error_status_t ResolveOxid2 ( [in] handle_t hRpc, [in] OXID *pOxid, [in] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs, [in, ref, size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)] unsigned short arRequestedProtseqs[], [out, ref] DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOxidBindings, [out, ref] IPID *pipidRemUnknown, [out, ref] DWORD *pAuthnHint, [out, ref] COMVERSION *pComVersion ); [idempotent] error_status_t ServerAlive2 ( [in] handle_t hRpc, [out, ref] COMVERSION *pComVersion, [out, ref] DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOrBindings, [out, ref] DWORD *pReserved ); } typedef struct tagSTDOBJREF { unsigned long flags; unsigned long cPublicRefs; OXID oxid; OID oid; IPID ipid; } STDOBJREF; typedef struct tagREMQIRESULT { HRESULT hResult; STDOBJREF std; } REMQIRESULT; typedef struct tagREMINTERFACEREF { IPID ipid; unsigned long cPublicRefs; unsigned long cPrivateRefs; } REMINTERFACEREF; typedef [disable_consistency_check] REMQIRESULT* PREMQIRESULT; typedef [disable_consistency_check] MInterfacePointer* PMInterfacePointerInternal; [ object, uuid(00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IUnknown { HRESULT Opnum0NotUsedOnWire(void); HRESULT Opnum1NotUsedOnWire(void); HRESULT Opnum2NotUsedOnWire(void); }; [ object, uuid(00000131-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IRemUnknown : IUnknown { HRESULT RemQueryInterface ( [in] REFIPID ripid, [in] unsigned long cRefs, [in] unsigned short cIids, [in, size_is(cIids)] IID *iids, [out, size_is(,cIids)] PREMQIRESULT *ppQIResults ); HRESULT RemAddRef ( [in] unsigned short cInterfaceRefs, [in, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[], [out, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] HRESULT *pResults ); HRESULT RemRelease ( [in] unsigned short cInterfaceRefs, [in, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[] ); } [ object, uuid(00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IRemUnknown2 : IRemUnknown { HRESULT RemQueryInterface2 ( [in] REFIPID ripid, [in] unsigned short cIids, [in, size_is(cIids)] IID *iids, [out, size_is(cIids)] HRESULT *phr, [out, size_is(cIids)] PMInterfacePointerInternal *ppMIF ); } const unsigned long MIN_ACTPROP_LIMIT = 1; const unsigned long MAX_ACTPROP_LIMIT = 10; typedef struct _COSERVERINFO { DWORD dwReserved1; [string ] wchar_t* pwszName; DWORD * pdwReserved; DWORD dwReserved2; } COSERVERINFO; typedef struct _customREMOTE_REQUEST_SCM_INFO { DWORD ClientImpLevel; [range (0, MAX_REQUESTED_PROTSEQS)] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs; [size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)] unsigned short *pRequestedProtseqs; } customREMOTE_REQUEST_SCM_INFO; typedef struct _customREMOTE_REPLY_SCM_INFO { OXID Oxid; DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaOxidBindings; IPID ipidRemUnknown; DWORD authnHint; COMVERSION serverVersion; } customREMOTE_REPLY_SCM_INFO; typedef struct tagInstantiationInfoData { CLSID classId; DWORD classCtx; DWORD actvflags; long fIsSurrogate; [range (1,MAX_REQUESTED_INTERFACES)] DWORD cIID; DWORD instFlag; [size_is(cIID)] IID *pIID; DWORD thisSize; COMVERSION clientCOMVersion; } InstantiationInfoData; typedef struct tagLocationInfoData { [string] wchar_t *machineName; DWORD processId; DWORD apartmentId; DWORD contextId; } LocationInfoData; typedef struct tagActivationContextInfoData { long clientOK; long bReserved1; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; MInterfacePointer *pIFDClientCtx; MInterfacePointer *pIFDPrototypeCtx; } ActivationContextInfoData; typedef struct tagCustomHeader { DWORD totalSize; DWORD headerSize; DWORD dwReserved; DWORD destCtx; [range (MIN_ACTPROP_LIMIT, MAX_ACTPROP_LIMIT)] DWORD cIfs; CLSID classInfoClsid; [size_is(cIfs)] CLSID *pclsid; [size_is(cIfs)] DWORD *pSizes; DWORD *pdwReserved; } CustomHeader; typedef struct tagPropsOutInfo { [range (1, MAX_REQUESTED_INTERFACES)] DWORD cIfs; [size_is(cIfs)] IID *piid; [size_is(cIfs)] HRESULT *phresults; [size_is(cIfs)] MInterfacePointer **ppIntfData; } PropsOutInfo; typedef struct tagSecurityInfoData { DWORD dwAuthnFlags; COSERVERINFO *pServerInfo; DWORD *pdwReserved; } SecurityInfoData; typedef struct tagScmRequestInfoData { DWORD *pdwReserved; customREMOTE_REQUEST_SCM_INFO *remoteRequest; } ScmRequestInfoData; typedef struct tagScmReplyInfoData { DWORD *pdwReserved; customREMOTE_REPLY_SCM_INFO *remoteReply; } ScmReplyInfoData; typedef struct tagInstanceInfoData { [string] wchar_t *fileName; DWORD mode; MInterfacePointer *ifdROT; MInterfacePointer *ifdStg; } InstanceInfoData; typedef enum { SPD_FLAG_USE_CONSOLE_SESSION = 0x00000001, SPD_FLAG_USE_DEFAULT_AUTHN_LVL = 0x00000002, } SPD_FLAGS; typedef struct tagSpecialPropertiesData { unsigned long dwSessionId; long fRemoteThisSessionId; long fClientImpersonating; long fPartitionIDPresent; DWORD dwDefaultAuthnLvl; GUID guidPartition; DWORD dwPRTFlags; DWORD dwOrigClsctx; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD Reserved1; unsigned __int64 Reserved2; DWORD Reserved3[5]; } SpecialPropertiesData; typedef struct tagSpecialPropertiesData_Alternate { unsigned long dwSessionId; long fRemoteThisSessionId; long fClientImpersonating; long fPartitionIDPresent; DWORD dwDefaultAuthnLvl; GUID guidPartition; DWORD dwPRTFlags; DWORD dwOrigClsctx; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD Reserved3[8]; } SpecialPropertiesData_Alternate;