5.164 ReplicationQueue
ReplicationQueue is an abstract type for queued pending replication operations. It is a sequence of tuples, one tuple for each queued replication operation that is pending. Each tuple contains the following fields:
TimeEnqueued: A FILETIME that contains the time when the operation was enqueued.
SerialNumber: A ULONG that contains a unique identifier associated with the operation.
Priority: A ULONG that contains the priority of the operation. Tasks with a higher priority value are executed first. The priority is calculated by the server based on the type of operation and its parameters.
OperationType: An integer that indicates the type of operation, as defined in DS_REPL_OP_TYPE.
Options: A DRS_OPTIONS that contains options associated with the replication operation.
NamingContext: A unicodestring (section 3.4.3) that contains the NC root of the NC replica associated with the operation.
DsaDN: A unicodestring (section 3.4.3) that contains the DN of the nTDSDSA object of the DC associated with the operation.
DsaAddress: A unicodestring (section 3.4.3) that contains the network address of the DC associated with the operation.
UUIDNC: A GUID that contains the objectGUID of the NC root of the NC replica associated with the operation.
UUIDDsa: A GUID that contains the DSA GUID of the DC associated with the operation.
The global variable dc for a DC has an associated field dc.replicationQueue, which maintains the DC's ReplicationQueue state.