5.111 KCCFailedConnections
KCCFailedConnections is an abstract type consisting of a sequence of tuples, one tuple for each DC for which the connection attempt failed. Each tuple contains the following fields:
DsaDN: A unicodestring (section 3.4.3) that contains the DN of the nTDSDSA object that corresponds to the DC.
TimeFirstFailure: A FILETIME that contains the time when the KCC noticed the first failure while contacting the DC.
FailureCount: An integer that contains the total number of failures the KCC encountered while contacting the DC.
LastResult: A DWORD that contains a Windows error code, as specified in [MS-ERREF] section 2.2, that indicates the reason for the last failure.
The global variable dc for a DC has an associated field dc.kccFailedConnections, which maintains the DC's KCCFailedConnections state.