The LSAPR_ACL structure defines the header of an access control list (ACL) that specifies a list of security protections applied to an object.
This structure has no effect on message processing in any environment.
typedef struct _LSAPR_ACL { unsigned char AclRevision; unsigned char Sbz1; unsigned short AclSize; [size_is(AclSize - 4)] unsigned char Dummy1[*]; } LSAPR_ACL, *PLSAPR_ACL;
AclRevision: The revision level of the LSAPR_ACL structure. This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified, and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.
Sbz1: This field is used for alignment. This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified, and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.
AclSize: The size of this structure in bytes, including the size of the variable sized Dummy1 field.
Dummy1: This field MUST be ignored. The content is unspecified, and no requirements are placed on its value because it is never used.