The LSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX2 structure communicates properties of a trusted domain. The following structure corresponds to the TrustedDomainInformationEx2Internal information class. Domain trusts are specified in [MS-ADTS] section 6.1.6.
typedef struct _LSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX2 { RPC_UNICODE_STRING Name; RPC_UNICODE_STRING FlatName; PRPC_SID Sid; unsigned long TrustDirection; unsigned long TrustType; unsigned long TrustAttributes; unsigned long ForestTrustLength; [size_is(ForestTrustLength)] unsigned char* ForestTrustInfo; } LSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX2, *PLSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX2;
Name: The DNS name of the domain. Maps to the Name field, as specified in section
FlatName: The NetBIOS name of the trusted domain, as specified in [RFC1088]. Maps to the Flat Name field, as specified in section
Sid: The domain SID. Maps to the Security Identifier field, as specified in section
TrustDirection: This field contains bitmapped values that define the properties of the direction of trust between the local domain and the named domain. See section for valid values and a description of each flag. Maps to the Trusted Direction field, as specified in section
TrustType: This field specifies the type of trust between the local domain and the named domain. See section for valid values and a description of each value. Maps to the Trusted Type field, as specified in section
TrustAttributes: This field contains bitmapped values that define the attributes of the trust. See section for valid values and a description of each flag. Maps to the Trusted Attributes field, as specified in section
ForestTrustLength: The count of bytes in ForestTrustInfo.
ForestTrustInfo: Binary data for the forest trust. For more information, see "Trust Objects" in [MS-ADTS] section 6.1.6. Maps to the Forest Trust Information field, as specified in section Conversion from this binary format to the LSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION format is specified in [MS-ADTS] section If the ForestTrustLength field has a value other than 0, this field MUST NOT be NULL.