Rights Policy Template

This section defines the format of the rights policy template. Templates are generated by an administrator on the server and then distributed to client machines. A client generates a PL from a template when a user uses it to protect a document (offline publishing). The PL is signed using the CLC.

The rights policy template MUST use the following template.

 <XrML version="1.2" xmlns="">
   <BODY type="Microsoft Official Rights Template">
     [[- issuedtime -]]
     [[- descriptor -]]
     [[- issuer -]]
     [[- distributionpoint-pub -]]
      [[- distributionpoint-ref -]]
     [[- work -]]
     [[- authenticateddata -]]
 [[- signature -]]

[[- issuedtime -]]: MUST be an ISSUEDTIME element containing the time the rights policy template was generated, in UTC.

[[- descriptor -]]: MUST be a DESCRIPTOR element describing the rights policy template, as defined in section

[[- issuer -]]: MUST be an ISSUER element describing the issuer of the rights policy template, as defined in section

[[- distributionpoint-pub -]]: MUST be a DISTRIBUTIONPOINT element containing the intranet licensing URL of the server that will issue ULs for the PL generated from this rights policy template, as specified in section

[[- distributionpoint-ref -]]: MUST be a DISTRIBUTIONPOINT element containing the rights request referral information, as specified in section

[[-work -]]: MUST be a WORK element containing the policy, as specified in section

[[- authenticateddata -]]: MUST be an AUTHENTICATEDDATA element that describes the usage policy issued by the author, as specified in section

[[- signature -]]: MUST be a SIGNATURE element containing the cryptographic signature of the body of the certificate, generated by the issuer of the certificate. The hash MUST be the hash of the body. The signature MUST be the hash encrypted with the issuer's private key. The key length MUST be the length of the issuer's private key, which MUST match the length of the issuer's public key.