<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xs:schema id="presence" version="2.0"
Live Communications Server 2005 provides Instant Messaging
and presence capabilities amongst users in an enterprise. A
user can login using multiple devices. Each device presents
its presence information to the server. The XML instance
containing presence submitted to the server is called the
Presence Document. When retrieving presence information for
a user, the server not only returns the presence document
from every device, but it also determines the overall presence
of the user. This XML instance returned by the server is
called the Aggregated Presence Document.
This schema describes the structure of both the Presence
Document consumed by the server as well as the Aggregated
Presence Document generated by the server.
<xs:import namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sip/types"
schemaLocation="common.xsd" />
<!-- Common Types -->
<xs:simpleType name="aggregate">
<xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="999" />
<xs:simpleType name="epid">
Each device of a user is uniquely identified by its epid.
This value cannot exceed 16 bytes.
<xs:restriction base="xs:token" />
<xs:simpleType name="ageOfPresence">
This is the number of seconds since the device last updated
its presence information
<xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger" />
<xs:complexType name="availability">
The purpose of availability is to indicate whether the user
can receive a call.
name="aggregate" type="tns:aggregate" use="required" >
The value of the aggregate attribute defines the
availability of a user on a device. The aggregate values
are processed by the server as being within a range that
has a span of 100 (class code). The server interprets
the values as falling within the following classes (with
their corresponding interpretations):
The user cannot receive calls.
The user may be online but availability is unknown
until a call is attempted. A cell phone gateway would
typically use this setting.
The user has a device that is currently connected and
can receive calls.
The user is in the proximity of a device that can
receive calls.
Rather than using a hard-coded enumeration a numeric
value is value. This makes it easy to compare the
availability sent by two different PUAs.
<xs:attribute name="description" type="xs:string" >
The server always returns an empty string in the
aggregated presence document.
<xs:attribute name="epid" type="tns:epid" />
<xs:complexType name="activity">
The purpose of activity is to indicate not whether a user
can receive a call, but rather, to indicate to watchers
how likely the user is to want to be disturbed.
<xs:attribute name="aggregate"
type="tns:aggregate" use="required" >
000 - 099 There is no information about the
activity of the user
100 - 149 The user is away
150 - 199 The user is out to lunch
200 - 299 The user is idle
300 - 399 The user will be right back
400 - 499 The user is active
500 - 599 The user is already participating in a
communications session
600 - 699 The user is busy
700 - 799 The user is away
800 - 999 The user is active
Rather than using a hard-coded enumeration a numeric value
is value. This makes it easy to compare the activity sent
by two different PUAs.
<xs:attribute name="description" type="xs:string" >
The server always returns an empty string in the aggregated
presence document.
<xs:attribute name="epid" type="tns:epid" />
<xs:attribute name="note" type="xs:string" >
This attribute can be used by the client to store a string
indicating the user's status on the device.
<xs:complexType name="userInfo">
This element is used for storing persisted presence
information for a user. This information is stored by the
server and is available regardless of the device a user is
logged in and / or whether the user is logged in or not. Any
valid XML can be stored by the client. The server enforces a
limit of 1024 characters on the size of the element body,
where the entire element body is treated as a single string.
<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:group name="presenceDocInfo">
<xs:element name="availability" type="tns:availability" />
<xs:element name="activity" type="tns:activity" />
<xs:element name="userInfo" type="tns:userInfo" />
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<!-- Presence document consumed by the server -->
<xs:complexType name="presenceDoc">
The containing element and its contents are collectively
called the presence document. The document describes a
user's availability on a particular device. This is the
document sent from a Presence User Agent that intends to
publish its presence.
<xs:group ref="tns:presenceDocInfo" />
<xs:attribute name="uri" type="ct:sipURI" use="required" />
<!-- Aggregated Presence document generated by the server -->
<xs:complexType name="aggregatedPresenceDoc">
The containing element and its contents are collectively
called the aggregated presence document. The document
describes a user's availability on all its devices as well
as an overall aggregated presence. This is the document
published by the server to anyone obtaining the presence of
a particular user.
<xs:element name="availability" type="tns:availability" >
This is the availability information from the most
available device.
<xs:element name="activity" type="tns:activity" >
This is the activity information from
the most available device.
<xs:element name="displayName" >
<xs:attribute name="displayName" type="ct:displayName" />
<xs:element name="email">
<xs:attribute name="email" type="ct:email" />
<xs:element name="phoneNumber">
This string is always empty.
use="required" />
type="tns:userInfo" />
<xs:element name="devices">
maxOccurs="unbounded" >
<xs:group ref="tns:presenceDocInfo" />
<xs:attribute name="epid" type="tns:epid" />
<xs:attribute name="ageOfPresence"
use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="uri" type="ct:sipURI" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="presentity" type="tns:aggregatedPresenceDoc"/>