Understand your bill and reconciliation data in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Billing admin | Admin agent

Understand your bill clearly.

Find your reconciliation file

You can find your invoices in the Billing workspace in Partner Center.

You can also find your billing history or overview, Azure spending trends, and reconciliation files in this workspace.

To find and download your reconciliation file:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select the Billing workspace.

  2. To get legacy or "recurring" reconciliation files, go to the Billing history task menu > Billing history page and select the Recurring tab > choose the appropriate year > select the drop-down arrow next to the billing period.

  3. To get new commerce or "recurring and one-time purchases" reconciliation files, go to the Billing overview (NCE) task menu > Billing | Billing Overview (NCE) page and choose the year in the upper right corner > select the invoice number > find the reconciliation file on the side panel > select Download report.


You can asynchronously download all new commerce reconciliation files from the Partner Center portal.

Unallocated payments

Occasionally you might see unallocated payment in your Billing workspace. An unallocated payment occurs when a payment to Microsoft that isn't applied to an invoice due to unclear remittance instructions.

To view and manage your unallocated payments:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select the Billing workspace.

  2. Select the Billing history task menu and review the Unallocated payment section for any amounts listed.

Unallocated payments remain unallocated until you specify the invoice against which the amount should be applied.

To apply an unallocated amount to an invoice:

  • Email bposcapp@microsoft.com with the invoice details you wish the payment to be applied to.

  • Your Billing history | Unallocated payment section is updated within seven days once the payment is allocated.

Understand reconciliation files

The reconciliation files give a detailed list of your charges and credits. To create invoices for customers, use customer details in the reconciliation files. For more information on reconciliation files, see How to use the reconciliation files.

What products are included in the new commerce invoice reconciliation data?

  • Azure pay-as-you-go
  • Azure reservation
  • Azure savings plan
  • License-based product or online services, such as Office, Dynamics, and Power Apps
  • Perpetual software
  • Software subscription
  • Marketplace or non-Microsoft SaaS product

What products are included in the new commerce daily rated usage reconciliation data?

  • Azure pay-as-you-go
  • Azure reservation—usage is shown, but charges only appear once usage exceeds the limit
  • Azure savings plan—usage is shown, but charges only appear once usage exceeds the limit

Map taxes or VAT to your invoice reconciliation data

Here's how to validate an invoice with taxes or VAT:

  1. Add the Tax values from your legacy license-based reconciliation data.
  2. Add the TaxAmount values from your legacy usage-based reconciliation data.
  3. Add the TaxTotal values from your new commerce reconciliation data.

Why are some products visible only in invoice reconciliation data and not in daily rated usage data?

Invoice reconciliation data includes all billing line items for every product. Some products charge a fixed fee based on the number of licenses rather than daily usage, so they aren't included in daily rated usage data.

Daily rated usage data only shows products that charge based on usage. Some products under Azure subscriptions incur fixed monthly, annual, or one-time fees. Although their daily charges are zero, their daily usage still appears in the daily rated usage data.


Each billing event produces either charges or credit. These charges and credits show up as invoice reconciliation line items based on the billing plan.

Why does my invoice reconciliation data show a zero-tax amount when the invoice has taxes?

Some countries/regions calculate tax on the total amount, not each line item. In these places, you might notice a small difference between the sum of line-item tax and total tax because of rounding to two decimal places.

For example, consider you have two items that cost $9.75 and $10.25, with a tax rate of 10%. The total before tax is $20, and the total tax is $2. However, the line-item tax might appear as follows:

Transaction Amount Tax
Product 1 $9.75 $0.98
Product 2 $10.25 $1.03

Although the difference between the sum of line-item taxes ($2.01) and the total tax ($2) is just one cent, it doesn't comply with tax regulations.

To ensure compliance with tax regulations, taxes are now shown only on invoices, not on reconciliation line items. This approach keeps the pretax amount consistent across both your reconciliation data and invoice for any billing period.


  • Ensure compliance with tax regulations to reduce errors and risks.
  • Avoid unnecessary calculations to save time and money.
  • Provide clear and consistent information to enhance transparency and trust.
  • Offer an efficient billing process.

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Why are the charges on my invoice reconciliation data different from the daily rated usage data?

Your invoice reconciliation and daily rated usage data might not match exactly due to several factors:

  • Exclusion of products: The daily rated usage reconciliation charges only for pay-as-you-go resources under Azure subscription, whereas the invoice reconciliation charges for all products and subscriptions for all your customers. For a list of products in the daily rated usage reconciliation, see Products Included in the Daily Rated Usage Reconciliation.

Here are key reasons for discrepancies between charges for the same products or subscriptions:

  • Taxes and adjustments: Invoice reconciliation might include taxes and fees not present in your daily rated usage data. To check the charges for a product or subscription, compare BillingPreTaxTotal in the daily rated usage with Subtotal in the invoice reconciliation. Before taxes and adjustments, these values should match or be close.

  • Discounts and credits: Discounts and credits, such as those from contract terms, service level agreements (SLA), promotional offers, or tier pricing, might lower your invoice amount. As a result, the invoice Subtotal might be lower than the daily rated usage BillingPreTaxTotal.

  • Decimal round off: Minor differences might occur due to rounding. The daily rated usage displays 10 decimal places for BillingPreTaxTotal, while the invoice reconciliation rounds Subtotal to two decimal places.

If you notice slight differences between your invoice reconciliation and daily rated usage data, don't be concerned. Reach out to our support team for more information, and rest assured that you are billed the lowest amount for your usage.

When should you contact the support team?

If you're unsure whether a reconciliation line item is correct, compare the attributes of both reconciliations before contacting our support team. To resolve any discrepancies, follow these steps:

  • Check quantity or billable quantity: Look for any differences in the billable quantity of the same product or subscription.

  • Review Customer ID: Ensure customer IDs are consistent in both reconciliations' pay-as-you-go charges.

  • Verify Product ID, SKU ID, or Subscription ID: Ensure no pay-as-you-go charges are missing or different in the reconciliations.

  • Compare Subtotal and BillingPreTaxTotal: Look for any significant differences between these values.

For any discrepancies, reach out to our support team for assistance.

Find reseller information in the reconciliation data

To view the reseller for a purchased product or service, use these attributes of your reconciliation data. The reseller or tier 2 MPN ID is only visible in the reconciliation data for indirect providers.

Attribute/Column name Description Expected value
MpnId The Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program identifier of the Cloud Solution Provider program (CSP) partner (direct or indirect). The associated partner ID you mentioned while enrolling in the CSP program.
ResellerMpnId / Tier2MpnId The reseller of record for the subscription can be identified using Partner Center under each subscription for indirect providers. See expected values for the Reseller or Tier 2 MPN ID attribute or column

Expected values for the Reseller or Tier 2 MPN ID attribute or column

Depending on the reseller's involvement, the values for the reseller's MPN ID can vary:

  • 0 or blank: Indicates no reseller is involved.
  • –1: Indicates that the reseller was removed from the partner relationship.
  • A reseller's MPN ID: Indicates that the reseller is involved.

To determine whether you're a direct bill partner (tier 1) or an indirect provider (tier 2), follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings (gear icon in the upper-right corner).
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. Click on Legal Info.
  4. Expand Program Info.
  5. Check the Cloud Solution Provider Tier section to find your tier.

Before checking the reseller’s MPN ID in your reconciliation data, ensure the reseller is involved in the purchase.

To learn more about how to involve a reseller in the purchasing process, see Create customer subscriptions in Partner Center.