Billed and unbilled daily rated usage reconciliation API v2 (GA)

Applies to: Partner Center (unavailable in Azure Government or Azure China 21Vianet.)

Our new asynchronous API offers a faster and more efficient way to access your billing and reconciliation data through Azure blobs. Instead of keeping a connection open for hours or processing batches of 2,000 line items, you can now streamline your workflow.

The new commerce daily rated usage reconciliation APIs use advanced techniques like valet key and asynchronous request-reply patterns. These APIs provide you with a shared access signature (SAS) token that you can use to access either all the attributes or a subset of the daily rated usage reconciliation data.

Our APIs use optimized techniques to boost your efficiency, so you can achieve faster results with less effort. Embrace these APIs to simplify your data access and improve your overall efficiency.


The new APIs aren't hosted on the Partner Center API host. Instead, you can find them on MS Graph at Use the Microsoft Graph API to export partner billing data - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn. To access these APIs, refer to the following details.

You can use these APIs for the MS Graph public/global cloud only now. They aren't yet available for Azure Government or Azure China 21Vianet.


To allow your app access to partner billing data, follow this link and get familiar with the authentication and authorization basics for Microsoft Graph.

You can assign the "PartnerBilling.Read.All" permission using either the Azure portal or the Entra Admin center. Here's how:

  • Register your app on the Microsoft Entra home page under the App registrations section.
  • To grant the necessary permission, go to the Microsoft Entra App page under the API permissions section. Select "Add a permission" and choose the "PartnerBilling.Read.All" scope.

By completing these steps, you ensure that your app has the required access to partner billing data.


If you've been using our beta version, you're likely to find the transition to the general availability (GA) version smooth and intuitive. To help you understand the updates and improvements, we recommend comparing beta and GA versions.


The new commerce daily rated usage doesn't include the charges for these products:

  • Azure reservation
  • Azure savings plan
  • Office
  • Dynamics
  • Microsoft Power Apps
  • Perpetual software
  • Software subscription
  • Non-Microsoft or marketplace SaaS product

API overview

To help you retrieve billed new commerce daily rated usage line items asynchronously, we offer two key API endpoints. Here's a streamlined guide to get you started:

Usage line-item endpoint

First, use this API to fetch new commerce daily rated usage line items. When you make a request, you receive a 202 HTTP status and a location header with a URL. Poll this URL regularly until you get a success status and a manifest URL.

Operation status endpoint

Next, keep checking the operation status by calling this API at regular intervals. If the data isn’t ready, the response includes a Retry-After header indicating how long to wait before trying again. Once the operation is complete, you receive a manifest resource with a storage folder link to download the usage data. The response segments the files to enhance throughput and allow for I/O parallelism.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your invoice reconciliation process.

Sequence diagram

Here's a sequence diagram that shows the steps for downloading the reconciliation data.

A diagram showing the steps for downloading the reconciliation.

User action sequence

To retrieve new commerce daily rated usage reconciliation line items, follow these steps:

Step 1: Submit request

Submit a POST request to the API endpoint.

Get unbilled daily rated usage line items

Get new commerce unbilled daily rated usage line items for the current or last calendar month or billing period.


You can access your unbilled daily rated usage line items through the API or Partner Center portal. To ensure accurate data, allow up to 24 hours for availability. Depending on your location and when the meters report the usage, there might be further delays.

We prioritize on time delivery of billed daily rated usage data first. Occasionally, you might not see the most recent unbilled daily rated usage data until the previous month's billed usage data is available. Once you receive the billed usage data, you can then retrieve all the updated unbilled usage data from the start of the month.

Your understanding and patience are appreciated as we strive to provide the most accurate and timely information possible.

API request

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json


"currencyCode": "USD",

"billingPeriod": "current",

"attributeSet": "basic"

Request body
Attribute Required Type Description
attributeSet False String Choose "full" for all attributes or "basic" for a limited set. If not specified, "full" is the default value. Check the list of attributes in this section). Optional.
billingPeriod True String To get daily rated usage for the current or last calendar month or billing period, use "current" or "last" (same as "previous" in v1 API). Required.
currencyCode True String Partner billing currency code. Required.
Request headers

To request headers for the API, see Reliability and support.

API response
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted  

The API usually responds with an HTTP 202 status. You may also encounter other statuses depending on your requests. These statuses are listed in the Standard API response statuses section.

Code Description
202 – Accepted Your request was accepted. To check the status of your request, query the URL provided in the location header.

Get billed daily rated usage line items

Get new commerce billed daily rated usage line items for an invoice for the closed billing period.

API request

"invoiceId": "G00012345",  
"attributeSet": "full"  

Query parameters


Request body
Attribute Required Type Description
invoiceId True String A unique identifier for each invoice. Required.
attributeSet False String Choose "full" for all attributes or "basic" for a limited set. If not specified, "full" is the default value. Check the list of attributes in this section. Optional.
Request header

Request headers for the API. To learn more, see the reliability and support.

API response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

When you use the API, it typically returns an HTTP 202 status. For other possible statuses based on your requests, see Statuses.

Code Description
202 – Accepted Your request was accepted. To check the status of your request, query the URL provided in the location header.

Step 2: Check request status

To keep track of a request's status, ensure you receive an HTTP 200 response indicating "succeeded" or "failed." If successful, you find the manifest URL in the "resourceLocation" attribute. This attribute provides an endpoint for accessing the required information.

Get Operation status

Retrieves the status of a request.

API request


Request parameters
Name Include in Required Type Description
operationId Request URI True String A unique identifier to check the request status. Required.
Request header

To request headers for the API, see Reliability and support.

Request body


Response status

Apart from the standard HTTP statuses listed in Standard API response statuses, the API can also return the following HTTP status:

Code Description
410 – Gone The manifest link expires after a set time. To get the manifest link again, send a new request.
Response payload

The API response payload includes the following attributes:

Attribute Required Description
id True A unique identifier for each response. Required.
status True Values and actions: Required:

notstarted: Wait for the time specified in the "Retry-After" header, then make another call to check the status.

running: Wait for the time specified in the "Retry-After" header, then make another call to check the status.

succeeded: The data is ready. Retrieve the manifest payload using the URI specified in resourceLocation.

failed: The operation failed permanently. Restart it.
createdDateTime True The time when the request was made. Required.
lastActionDateTime True The last time the status changed. Required.
resourceLocation False The URI for the manifest payload. Optional.
error False Details about any errors, provided in JSON format.
Attributes included:
message: Description of the error.
code: The type of error.
Resource location object
Attribute Description
id A unique identifier for the manifest.
schemaVersion Version of the manifest schema.
dataFormat Format of the billing data file.

compressedJSON: data format where each blob is a compressed file that contains data in JSON lines format. To retrieve the data from each blob, decompress it.
createdDateTime Date and time when the manifest file was created.
eTag Version of the manifest data. A change in billing information generates a new value.
partnerTenantId Microsoft Entra ID of the partner's tenant.
rootDirectory Root directory of the file.
sasToken SAS (shared access signature) token that allows you to read all files under the directory.
partitionType Divides data into multiple blobs based on the "partitionValue" attribute. The system splits partitions that exceed the supported number. By default, data is partitioned based on the number of line items in the file. Don't set a fixed number of line items or file size in the code, as these values might change.
blobCount Total number of files for this partner tenant ID.
blobs A JSON array of "blob" objects that contain the file details for the partner tenant ID.
blob object An object containing the following details: name and partitionValue
name Name of the blob.
partitionValue Partition that contains the file. The large partition is split into multiple files, with each file containing the same "partitionValue".
API request
GET <>
API response

The response recommends waiting for 10 seconds before trying again when processing data.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Retry-After: 10  
"id": "9ab9cb54-d07f-4f52-9ea6-a09d7de52c14",  
"createdDateTime": "2022-06-1T10-01-03.4Z",  
"lastActionDateTime": "2022-06-1T10-01-05Z",  
"status": "running"  
API request

(10 seconds after the previous request…)

GET <>
API response

The API returns the "succeeded" status and the URI for "resourceLocation."

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Content-Type: application/json  

    "@odata.context": "\$metadata#reports/partners/billing/operations/\$entity",

    "@odata.type": "",

    "id": "f2170b13-6a8e-47d6-b481-6988490dc0cb",

    "createdDateTime": "2023-12-05T21:17:29Z",

    "lastActionDateTime": "2023-12-05T21:18:00.8897902Z",

    "status": "succeeded",

    "resourceLocation": {

        "id": "44e8500b-ab92-490e-8ac3-90500a1d3427",

        "createdDateTime": "2023-11-06T19:58:47.513Z",

        "schemaVersion": "2",

        "dataFormat": "compressedJSON",

        "partitionType": "default",

        "eTag": "RwDrn7fbiTXy6UULE",

        "partnerTenantId": "0e195b37-4574-4539-bc42-0e539b9684c0",

        "rootDirectory": "",

        "sasToken": "{token}",

        "blobCount": 1,

        "blobs": \[


                "name": "part-00123-5a93fa5d-749f-48bc-a372-9b021d93c3fa.c000.json.gz",

                "partitionValue": "default"





Step 3: Download daily rated usage reconciliation line items from Azure blob storage

First, you need to get the shared access signature (SAS) token and the blob storage location. You can find these details in the "sasToken" and "rootDirectory" properties of the manifest payload API response. Then to download and unzip the blob file, use the Azure Storage SDK/tool. It's in the JSONLines format.


Make sure to check out our sample code. It shows you how to download and unzip the Azure blob file to your local database.

Standard API response statuses

You might receive these HTTP statuses from the API response:

Code Description
400 – Bad Request The request is missing or contains incorrect data. Check the response body for error details.
401 – Unauthorized Authentication is required before making the first call. Authenticate with the partner API service.
403 – Forbidden You don't have the necessary authorization to make the request.
404 – Not Found The requested resources aren't available with the provided input parameters.
410 – Gone The manifest link isn't valid or active anymore. Submit a new request.
500 – Internal Server Error The API or its dependencies can't fulfill the request right now. Try again later.
5000 – No data available The system has no data for the provided input parameters.

Compare beta and GA versions

Check out the comparison table to see the differences between the beta and the generally available (GA) versions. If you're currently using the beta version, transitioning to the GA version is straightforward and easy.

Important information Beta Generally available
API host endpoint
Unbilled daily rated usage API endpoint
Input parameters for the unbilled daily rated usage API To specify parameters in the API request, include them in the query string of the request URL.
For example, to specify the period and currencyCode parameters, append ?period=current&currencyCode=usd to the request URL.
To provide inputs, include a JSON object in the request body. Your JSON should have the following properties:
* currencyCode: Your billing currency. For example, USD.
* billingPeriod: The billing period for the invoice. For example, current.
Here's a sample JSON object that includes the currencyCode and billingPeriod properties:<br>{<br> "currencyCode": "USD",<br> "billingPeriod": "current"<br>}
Billed daily rated usage API endpoint{InvoiceId}
Input parameters for the billed daily rated usage API To specify parameters in the API request, include the invoiceId in the request URL. Additionally, you can include an optional fragment parameter in the query string to retrieve the full set of attributes.
For example, to retrieve the full set of attributes, append ?fragment=full to the request URL.
To provide inputs, include a JSON object in the request body. Your JSON should have the following properties:
* invoiceId: The unique identifier of the invoice. For example, G00012345.
* attributeSet: The attributes that should be in the response, like full.
Here's a sample JSON object that includes the invoiceId and attributeSet properties:
{<br> "invoiceId": "G00012345",<br> "attributeSet": "full"<br>}
Manifest resource Use a separate GET /manifests/{id} method to retrieve the manifest resource. Use the GET /operations/{Id} method to access the manifest resource in resourceLocation. This method saves time by eliminating the need for a separate call to GET /manifests/{id}.
Changes to the manifest schema
"id": Not available "id": A unique identifier for the manifest resource.
"version": Available "version": changed to "schemaversion."
"dataFormat": Available "dataFormat": Available.
"utcCretedDateTime": Available "utcCretedDateTime": changed to "createdDateTime."
"eTag": Available "eTag": Available.
"partnerTenantId": Available "partnerTenantId": Available
"rootFolder": Available "rootFolder": changed to "rootDirectory."
"rootFolderSAS": Available "rootFolderSAS": changed to "sasToken." This update provides just the token without the root directory path. To locate the directory, use the "rootDirectory" property instead.
"partitionType": Available "partitionType": Available.
"blobCount": Available "blobCount": Available.
"sizeInBytes": Available "sizeInBytes": Not available.
"blobs": Available "blobs": Available.
"blob object": Available "blob object": Available.
"name": Available "name": Available.
"partitionValue": Available "partitionValue": Available.

Daily rated usage reconciliation line item attributes

To compare the attributes returned by the billed invoice reconciliation API for the "full" or "basic" attribute sets, refer to the following table. To learn more about these attributes, see this documentation.

Attribute Full Basic
PartnerId yes yes
PartnerName yes yes
CustomerId yes yes
CustomerName yes Yes
CustomerDomainName yes no
CustomerCountry yes no
MpnId yes no
Tier2MpnId yes no
InvoiceNumber yes yes
ProductId yes yes
SkuId yes yes
AvailabilityId yes no
SkuName yes yes
ProductName yes no
PublisherName yes yes
PublisherId yes no
SubscriptionDescription yes no
SubscriptionId yes yes
ChargeStartDate yes yes
ChargeEndDate yes yes
UsageDate yes yes
MeterType yes no
MeterCategory yes no
MeterId yes no
MeterSubCategory yes no
MeterName yes no
MeterRegion yes no
Unit yes yes
ResourceLocation yes no
ConsumedService yes no
ResourceGroup yes no
ResourceURI yes yes
ChargeType yes yes
UnitPrice yes yes
Quantity yes yes
UnitType yes no
BillingPreTaxTotal yes yes
BillingCurrency yes yes
PricingPreTaxTotal yes yes
PricingCurrency yes yes
ServiceInfo1 yes no
ServiceInfo2 yes no
Tags yes no
AdditionalInfo yes no
EffectiveUnitPrice yes yes
PCToBCExchangeRate yes yes
EntitlementId yes yes
EntitlementDescription yes no
PartnerEarnedCreditPercentage yes no
CreditPercentage yes yes
CreditType yes yes
BenefitOrderID yes yes
BenefitID yes no
BenefitType yes yes


Make note of these changes when moving from API v1 from v2.

  • Each attribute name now starts with an uppercase letter.

  • unitOfMeasure is updated to Unit. Its meaning and value remain unchanged.

  • resellerMpnId is now Tier2MpnId. The meaning and value are the same.

  • rateOfPartnerEarnedCredit is updated to PartnerEarnedCreditPercentage. The new name and value now reflect the percentage instead of the fraction. For instance, 0.15 is now 15%.

  • rateOfCredit is now CreditPercentage. Both the name and value have changed. For example, 1.00 is now 100%.

We believe these changes make the APIs more intuitive and easier to use.

Sample code

To use this API, see the following link, which includes C# sample code.

Partner Center API samples: Get billing recon data.