bot EntityType
Represents a copilot created in Copilot Studio.
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/bots
- Base type:
- crmbaseentity
- Display name:
- Copilot
- Primary key:
- botid
- Primary name column:
- name
- Operations supported:
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
accesscontrolpolicy | Edm.Int32 |
Defines which users may interact with the bot. Display name: Access Control Policy
Default options
applicationmanifestinformation | Edm.String |
Stores information with application manifest data such as Teams application information. Display name: Application Manifest Information |
authenticationconfiguration | Edm.String |
Stores information for the authentication configuration. Display name: Authentication Configuration Information |
authenticationmode | Edm.Int32 |
Defines how the bot should be authenticated to the user. Display name: Authentication Mode
Default options
authenticationtrigger | Edm.Int32 |
Defines at which point authentication for the bot should be triggered. Security can be enforced at the bot entry point, removing the need for explicit authentication nodes in the dialog flow. Display name: Authentication trigger
Default options
authorizedsecuritygroupids | Edm.String |
Contains a comma-delimited list of up to 20 Azure Active Directory Group IDs that are allowed to interact with the bot. This field is ignored if Access Control Policy is not set to Group membership. Display name: Authorized Security Groups |
botid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the Copilot. Display name: Bot |
componentidunique | Edm.Guid |
For internal use only. Display name: Row id unique Read only
componentstate | Edm.Int32 |
For internal use only. Display name: Component State Read only
Default options
configuration | Edm.String |
Used to store content of bot configuration data. Display name: Configuration |
createdon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the record was created. Display name: Created On Read only
iconbase64 | Edm.String |
Used to visually identify your bot in channels and services. Represented in a base64 encoded string. Must be in PNG format, and no larger than 30K in size. This value can be changed at any time. Display name: Icon (Base64) |
importsequencenumber | Edm.Int32 |
Sequence number of the import that created this record. Display name: Import Sequence Number |
iscustomizable | BooleanManagedProperty |
For internal use only. Display name: Is Customizable |
ismanaged | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. Display name: Is Managed Read only
Default options
language | Edm.Int32 |
The language identifier (LCID) of this Copilot. Display name: Language
Default options
modifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the record was modified. Display name: Modified On Read only
name | Edm.String |
The display name of the Copilot. Display name: Name |
origin | Edm.String |
Used to identify the origin used to create the bot. Display name: Origin |
overriddencreatedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time that the record was migrated. Display name: Record Created On |
overwritetime | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
For internal use only. Display name: Record Overwrite Time Read only
publishedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the Copilot was last published Display name: Published On |
runtimeprovider | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Runtime provider
Default options
schemaname | Edm.String |
Unique name identifying the Copilot. Display name: SchemaName |
solutionid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the associated solution. Display name: Solution Read only
statecode | Edm.Int32 |
Status of the Copilot Display name: Status
Default options
statuscode | Edm.Int32 |
Reason for the status of the Copilot Display name: Status Reason
Default options
supportedlanguages | Edm.String |
The list of supported languages by this bot Display name: Supported languages
Default options
synchronizationstatus | Edm.String |
Used to store information about the synchronization operations of the bot Display name: SynchronizationStatus |
template | Edm.String |
Used to identify the template and version used for the bot default content Display name: Template |
timezoneruleversionnumber | Edm.Int32 |
For internal use only. Display name: Time Zone Rule Version Number |
utcconversiontimezonecode | Edm.Int32 |
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. Display name: UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
versionnumber | Edm.Int64 |
Version Number Display name: Version Number Read only
Lookup properties
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_createdby_value | createdby |
Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
_createdonbehalfby_value | createdonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
_modifiedby_value | modifiedby |
Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value | modifiedonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
_ownerid_value | ownerid |
Owner Id |
_owningbusinessunit_value | owningbusinessunit |
Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the record |
_owningteam_value | owningteam |
Unique identifier for the team that owns the record. |
_owninguser_value | owninguser |
Unique identifier for the user that owns the record. |
_providerconnectionreferenceid_value | ProviderConnectionReferenceId |
Unique identifier for Connection Reference associated with Copilot. |
_publishedby_value | publishedby |
Unique identifier of the user who last published the bot. |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
createdby | systemuser | lk_bot_createdby |
createdonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_bot_createdonbehalfby |
modifiedby | systemuser | lk_bot_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_bot_modifiedonbehalfby |
ownerid | principal | owner_bot |
owningbusinessunit | businessunit | business_unit_bot |
owningteam | team | team_bot |
owninguser | systemuser | user_bot |
ProviderConnectionReferenceId | connectionreference | bot_connectionreference |
publishedby | systemuser | systemuser_bot_publishedby |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
bot_AsyncOperations | asyncoperation | regardingobjectid_bot |
bot_botcomponent | botcomponent | bot_botcomponent |
bot_botcomponentcollection | botcomponentcollection | bot_botcomponentcollection |
bot_BulkDeleteFailures | bulkdeletefailure | regardingobjectid_bot |
bot_conversationtranscript | conversationtranscript | bot_conversationtranscriptId |
bot_environmentvariabledefinition | environmentvariabledefinition | bot_environmentvariabledefinition |
bot_MailboxTrackingFolders | mailboxtrackingfolder | regardingobjectid_bot |
bot_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses | principalobjectattributeaccess | objectid_bot |
bot_ProcessSession | processsession | regardingobjectid_bot |
bot_SyncErrors | syncerror | regardingobjectid_bot |
botcomponent_parent_bot | botcomponent | parentbotid |
The following operations can be used with the bot entity type.
Name | Binding |
CreateMultiple | Not Bound |
DeleteMultiple | Not Bound |
GrantAccess | Not Bound |
IsValidStateTransition | Not Bound |
ModifyAccess | Not Bound |
PvaAuthorize | Bound to Entity |
PvaCreateBotComponents | Bound to Entity |
PvaCreateContentSnapshot | Bound to Entity |
PvaDeleteBot | Bound to Entity |
PvaGetDirectLineEndpoint | Bound to Entity |
PvaProvision | Bound to Entity |
PvaPublish | Bound to Entity |
PvaPublishStatus | Bound to Entity |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Not Bound |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Not Bound |
RevokeAccess | Not Bound |
UpdateMultiple | Not Bound |