Describes the type of limit clause supported by the SQL dialect used by this data source.
Allowed values
Name | Value | Description |
LimitClauseKind.None | 0 | This SQL dialect does not support a limit clause. |
LimitClauseKind.Top | 1 | This SQL dialect supports a TOP specifier to limit the number of rows returned. |
LimitClauseKind.LimitOffset | 2 | This SQL dialect supports LIMIT and OFFSET specifiers to limit the number of rows returned. |
LimitClauseKind.Limit | 3 | This SQL dialect supports a LIMIT specifier to limit the number of rows returned. |
LimitClauseKind.AnsiSql2008 | 4 | This SQL dialect supports an ANSI SQL-compatible LIMIT N ROWS specifier to limit the number of rows returned. |