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The latest version of this topic can be found at _memccpy.

Copies characters from a buffer.


      void *_memccpy(  
   void *dest,  
   const void *src,  
   int c,  
   size_t count   


Pointer to the destination.

Pointer to the source.

Last character to copy.

Number of characters.

Return Value

If the character c is copied, _memccpy returns a pointer to the char in dest that immediately follows the character. If c is not copied, it returns NULL.


The _memccpy function copies 0 or more characters of src to dest, halting when the character c has been copied or when count characters have been copied, whichever comes first.

Security Note Make sure that the destination buffer is the same size or larger than the source buffer. For more information, see Avoiding Buffer Overruns.


Routine Required header
_memccpy <memory.h> or <string.h>

For more compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


All versions of the C run-time libraries.


// crt_memccpy.c  
#include <memory.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <string.h>  
char string1[60] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";  
int main( void )  
   char buffer[61];  
   char *pdest;  
   printf( "Function: _memccpy 60 characters or to character 's'\n" );  
   printf( "Source: %s\n", string1 );  
   pdest = _memccpy( buffer, string1, 's', 60 );  
   *pdest = '\0';  
   printf( "Result: %s\n", buffer );  
   printf( "Length: %d characters\n", strlen( buffer ) );  


Function: _memccpy 60 characters or to character 's'  
Source: The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox  
Result: The quick brown dog jumps  
Length: 25 characters  

.NET Framework Equivalent

See Also

Buffer Manipulation
memchr, wmemchr
memcmp, wmemcmp
memcpy, wmemcpy
memset, wmemset