COleSafeArray Class
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A class for working with arrays of arbitrary type and dimension.
class COleSafeArray : public tagVARIANT
Public Constructors
Name | Description |
COleSafeArray::COleSafeArray | Constructs a COleSafeArray object. |
Public Methods
Name | Description |
COleSafeArray::AccessData | Retrieves a pointer to the array data. |
COleSafeArray::AllocData | Allocates memory for the array. |
COleSafeArray::AllocDescriptor | Allocates memory for the safe array descriptor. |
COleSafeArray::Attach | Gives control of the existing VARIANT array to the COleSafeArray object. |
COleSafeArray::Clear | Frees all data in the underlying VARIANT. |
COleSafeArray::Copy | Creates a copy of an existing array. |
COleSafeArray::Create | Creates a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::CreateOneDim | Creates a one-dimensional COleSafeArray object. |
COleSafeArray::Destroy | Destroys an existing array. |
COleSafeArray::DestroyData | Destroys data in a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::DestroyDescriptor | Destroys a descriptor of a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::Detach | Detaches the VARIANT array from the COleSafeArray object (so that the data will not be freed). |
COleSafeArray::GetByteArray | Copies the contents of the safe array into a CByteArray. |
COleSafeArray::GetDim | Returns the number of dimensions in the array. |
COleSafeArray::GetElement | Retrieves a single element of the safe array. |
COleSafeArray::GetElemSize | Returns the size, in bytes, of one element in a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::GetLBound | Returns the lower bound for any dimension of a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::GetOneDimSize | Returns the number of elements in the one-dimensional COleSafeArray object. |
COleSafeArray::GetUBound | Returns the upper bound for any dimension of a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::Lock | Increments the lock count of an array and places a pointer to the array data in the array descriptor. |
COleSafeArray::PtrOfIndex | Returns a pointer to the indexed element. |
COleSafeArray::PutElement | Assigns a single element into the array. |
COleSafeArray::Redim | Changes the least significant (rightmost) bound of a safe array. |
COleSafeArray::ResizeOneDim | Changes the number of elements in a one-dimensional COleSafeArray object. |
COleSafeArray::UnaccessData | Decrements the lock count of an array and invalidates the pointer retrieved by AccessData . |
COleSafeArray::Unlock | Decrements the lock count of an array so it can be freed or resized. |
Public Operators
Name | Description |
COleSafeArray::operator LPCVARIANT | Accesses the underlying VARIANT structure of the COleSafeArray object. |
COleSafeArray::operator LPVARIANT | Accesses the underlying VARIANT structure of the COleSafeArray object. |
COleSafeArray::operator = | Copies values into a COleSafeArray object ( SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, COleVariant , or COleSafeArray array). |
COleSafeArray::operator == | Compares two variant arrays ( SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, COleVariant , or COleSafeArray arrays). |
COleSafeArray::operator << | Outputs the contents of a COleSafeArray object to the dump context. |
derives from the OLE VARIANT structure. The OLE SAFEARRAY member functions are available through COleSafeArray
, as well as a set of member functions specifically designed for one-dimensional arrays of bytes.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Header: afxdisp.h
Retrieves a pointer to the array data.
void AccessData(void** ppvData);
A pointer to a pointer to the array data.
On error, the function throws a CMemoryException or COleException.
void CMainFrame::Sort(VARIANT* vArray)
COleSafeArray sa;
BSTR *pbstr;
TCHAR buf[1024];
LONG cElements, lLBound, lUBound;
//needed for OLE2T macro below, include afxpriv.h
// Type check VARIANT parameter. It should contain a BSTR array
// passed by reference. The array must be passed by reference it is
// an in-out-parameter.
if (V_VT(vArray) != (VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR))
_T("Type Mismatch in Parameter. Pass a string array by reference"));
// clears data in sa and copies the variant data into sa
// Check that array is 1 dimensional
if (sa.GetDim() != 1)
_T("Type Mismatch in Parameter. Pass a one-dimensional array"));
// Get array bounds.
sa.GetLBound(1, &lLBound);
sa.GetUBound(1, &lUBound);
// Get a pointer to the elements of the array
// and increments the lock count on the array
//get no. of elements in array
cElements = lUBound - lLBound + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < cElements; i++)
//output the elements of the array
_stprintf_s(buf, 1024, _T("[%s]\n"), OLE2T(pbstr[i]));
//decrement lock count
catch (COleException *pEx)
_T("Unexpected Failure in FastSort method"));
Allocates memory for a safe array.
void AllocData();
On error, the function throws a CMemoryException or COleException.
Allocates memory for the descriptor of a safe array.
void AllocDescriptor(DWORD dwDims);
Number of dimensions in the safe array.
On error, the function throws a CMemoryException or COleException.
Gives control of the data in an existing VARIANT array to the COleSafeArray
void Attach(VARIANT& varSrc);
A VARIANT object. The varSrc parameter must have the VARTYPEVT_ARRAY.
The source VARIANT's type is set to VT_EMPTY
. This function clears the current array data, if any.
See the example for COleSafeArray::AccessData.
Clears the safe array.
void Clear();
The function clears a safe array by setting the VARTYPE
of the object to VT_EMPTY
. The current contents are released and the array is freed.
Constructs a COleSafeArray
const SAFEARRAY& saSrc,
COleSafeArray(const COleSafeArray& saSrc);
COleSafeArray(const VARIANT& varSrc);
COleSafeArray(LPCVARIANT pSrc);
COleSafeArray(const COleVariant& varSrc);
### Parameters
An existing `COleSafeArray` object or **SAFEARRAY** to be copied into the new `COleSafeArray` object.
The **VARTYPE** of the new `COleSafeArray` object.
A pointer to a **SAFEARRAY** to be copied into the new `COleSafeArray` object.
An existing **VARIANT** or `COleVariant` object to be copied into the new `COleSafeArray` object.
A pointer to a **VARIANT** object to be copied into the new `COleSafeArray` object.
### Remarks
All of these constructors create new `COleSafeArray` objects. If there is no parameter, an empty `COleSafeArray` object is created ( `VT_EMPTY`). If the `COleSafeArray` is copied from another array whose [VARTYPE](assetId:///317b911b-1805-402d-a9cb-159546bc88b4) is known implicitly (a `COleSafeArray`, `COleVariant`, or **VARIANT**), the **VARTYPE** of the source array is retained and need not be specified. If the `COleSafeArray` is copied from another array whose **VARTYPE** is not known ( **SAFEARRAY**), the **VARTYPE** must be specified in the `vtSrc` parameter.
On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
## <a name="colesafearray__copy"></a> COleSafeArray::Copy
Creates a copy of an existing safe array.
void Copy(LPSAFEARRAY* ppsa);
### Parameters
Pointer to a location in which to return the new array descriptor.
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
## <a name="colesafearray__create"></a> COleSafeArray::Create
Allocates and initializes the data for the array.
void Create( VARTYPE vtSrc,
DWORD dwDims,
DWORD* rgElements);
void Create( VARTYPE vtSrc,
DWORD dwDims,
SAFEARRAYBOUND* rgsabounds);
### Parameters
The base type of the array (that is, the **VARTYPE** of each element of the array). The **VARTYPE** is restricted to a subset of the variant types. Neither the **VT_ARRAY** nor the **VT_BYREF** flag can be set. `VT_EMPTY` and **VT_NULL** are not valid base types for the array. All other types are legal.
Number of dimensions in the array. This can be changed after the array is created with [Redim](#colesafearray__redim).
Pointer to an array of the number of elements for each dimension in the array.
Pointer to a vector of bounds (one for each dimension) to allocate for the array.
### Remarks
This function will clear the current array data if necessary. On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#27](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#27)]
## <a name="colesafearray__createonedim"></a> COleSafeArray::CreateOneDim
Creates a new one-dimensional `COleSafeArray` object.
void CreateOneDim( VARTYPE vtSrc,
DWORD dwElements,
const void* pvSrcData = NULL,
long nLBound = 0);
### Parameters
The base type of the array (that is, the **VARTYPE** of each element of the array).
Number of elements in the array. This can be changed after the array is created with [ResizeOneDim](#colesafearray__resizeonedim).
Pointer to the data to copy into the array.
The lower bound of the array.
### Remarks
The function allocates and initializes the data for the array, copying the specified data if the pointer `pvSrcData` is not **NULL**.
On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#28](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#28)]
## <a name="colesafearray__destroy"></a> COleSafeArray::Destroy
Destroys an existing array descriptor and all the data in the array.
void Destroy();
### Remarks
If objects are stored in the array, each object is released. On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
## <a name="colesafearray__destroydata"></a> COleSafeArray::DestroyData
Destroys all the data in a safe array.
void DestroyData();
### Remarks
If objects are stored in the array, each object is released. On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
## <a name="colesafearray__destroydescriptor"></a> COleSafeArray::DestroyDescriptor
Destroys a descriptor of a safe array.
void DestroyDescriptor();
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
## <a name="colesafearray__detach"></a> COleSafeArray::Detach
Detaches the **VARIANT** data from the `COleSafeArray` object.
VARIANT Detach();
### Return Value
The underlying **VARIANT** value in the `COleSafeArray` object.
### Remarks
The function detaches the data in a safe array by setting the [VARTYPE](assetId:///317b911b-1805-402d-a9cb-159546bc88b4) of the object to `VT_EMPTY`. It is the caller's responsibility to free the array by calling the Windows function [VariantClear](assetId:///28741d81-8404-4f85-95d3-5c209ec13835).
On error, the function throws a [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
See the example for [COleSafeArray::PutElement](#colesafearray__putelement).
## <a name="colesafearray__getbytearray"></a> COleSafeArray::GetByteArray
Copies the contents of the safe array into a `CByteArray`.
void GetByteArray(CByteArray& bytes);
### Parameters
A reference to a [CByteArray](../Topic/ object.
## <a name="colesafearray__getdim"></a> COleSafeArray::GetDim
Returns the number of dimensions in the `COleSafeArray` object.
DWORD GetDim();
### Return Value
The number of dimensions in the safe array.
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#27](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#27)]
## <a name="colesafearray__getelement"></a> COleSafeArray::GetElement
Retrieves a single element of the safe array.
void GetElement( long* rgIndices,
void* pvData);
### Parameters
Pointer to an array of indexes for each dimension of the array.
Pointer to the location to place the element of the array.
### Remarks
This function automatically calls the windows functions `SafeArrayLock` and `SafeArrayUnlock` before and after retrieving the element. If the data element is a string, object, or variant, the function copies the element in the correct way. The parameter `pvData` should point to a large enough buffer to contain the element.
On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#29](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#29)]
## <a name="colesafearray__getelemsize"></a> COleSafeArray::GetElemSize
Retrieves the size of an element in a `COleSafeArray` object.
DWORD GetElemSize();
### Return Value
The size, in bytes, of the elements of a safe array.
## <a name="colesafearray__getlbound"></a> COleSafeArray::GetLBound
Returns the lower bound for any dimension of a `COleSafeArray` object.
void GetLBound( DWORD dwDim,
long* pLBound);
### Parameters
The array dimension for which to get the lower bound.
Pointer to the location to return the lower bound.
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#30](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#30)]
## <a name="colesafearray__getonedimsize"></a> COleSafeArray::GetOneDimSize
Returns the number of elements in the one-dimensional `COleSafeArray` object.
DWORD GetOneDimSize();
### Return Value
The number of elements in the one-dimensional safe array.
### Example
See the example for [COleSafeArray::CreateOneDim](#colesafearray__createonedim).
## <a name="colesafearray__getubound"></a> COleSafeArray::GetUBound
Returns the upper bound for any dimension of a safe array.
void GetUBound( DWORD dwDim,
long* pUBound);
### Parameters
The array dimension for which to get the upper bound.
Pointer to the location to return the upper bound.
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#31](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#31)]
## <a name="colesafearray__lock"></a> COleSafeArray::Lock
Increments the lock count of an array and place a pointer to the array data in the array descriptor.
void Lock();
### Remarks
On error, it throws a [COleException](../Topic/
The pointer in the array descriptor is valid until `Unlock` is called. Calls to `Lock` can be nested; an equal number of calls to `Unlock` are required.
An array cannot be deleted while it is locked.
## <a name="colesafearray__operator_lpcvariant"></a> COleSafeArray::operator LPCVARIANT
Call this casting operator to access the underlying **VARIANT** structure for this `COleSafeArray` object.
operator LPCVARIANT() const;
## <a name="colesafearray__operator_lpvariant"></a> COleSafeArray::operator LPVARIANT
Call this casting operator to access the underlying **VARIANT** structure for this `COleSafeArray` object.
operator LPVARIANT();
### Remarks
Note that changing the value in the **VARIANT** structure accessed by the pointer returned by this function will change the value of this `COleSafeArray` object.
## <a name="colesafearray__operator__eq"></a> COleSafeArray::operator =
These overloaded assignment operators copy the source value into this `COleSafeArray` object.
COleSafeArray& operator=(const COleSafeArray& saSrc);
COleSafeArray& operator=(const VARIANT& varSrc);
COleSafeArray& operator=(LPCVARIANT pSrc);
COleSafeArray& operator=(const COleVariant& varSrc); ```
A brief description of each operator follows:
operator =( saSrc ) Copies an existing
object into this object.operator =( varSrc**)** Copies an existing VARIANT or
array into this object.operator =(
) Copies the VARIANT array object accessed bypSrc
into this object.
COleSafeArray::operator ==
This operator compares two arrays ( SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, COleVariant
, or COleSafeArray
arrays) and returns nonzero if they are equal; otherwise 0.
BOOL operator==(const SAFEARRAY& saSrc) const; BOOL operator==(LPCSAFEARRAY pSrc) const;
BOOL operator==(const COleSafeArray& saSrc) const; BOOL operator==(const VARIANT& varSrc) const;
BOOL operator==(LPCVARIANT pSrc) const; BOOL operator==(const COleVariant& varSrc) const; ```
### Remarks
Two arrays are equal if they have an equal number of dimensions, equal size in each dimension, and equal element values.
## <a name="colesafearray__operator__lt__lt_"></a> COleSafeArray::operator <<
The `COleSafeArray` insertion (<<) operator supports diagnostic dumping and storing of a `COleSafeArray` object to an archive.
CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<( CDumpContext& dc,
COleSafeArray& saSrc);
## <a name="colesafearray__ptrofindex"></a> COleSafeArray::PtrOfIndex
Returns a pointer to the element specified by the index values.
void PtrOfIndex( long* rgIndices,
void** ppvData);
### Parameters
An array of index values that identify an element of the array. All indexes for the element must be specified.
On return, pointer to the element identified by the values in `rgIndices`.
## <a name="colesafearray__putelement"></a> COleSafeArray::PutElement
Assigns a single element into the array.
void PutElement( long* rgIndices,
void* pvData);
### Parameters
Pointer to an array of indexes for each dimension of the array.
Pointer to the data to assign to the array. **VT_DISPATCH**, **VT_UNKNOWN**, and `VT_BSTR` variant types are pointers and do not require another level of indirection.
### Remarks
This function automatically calls the Windows functions [SafeArrayLock]( and [SafeArrayUnlock]( before and after assigning the element. If the data element is a string, object, or variant, the function copies it correctly, and if the existing element is a string, object, or variant, it is cleared correctly.
Note that you can have multiple locks on an array, so you can put elements into an array while the array is locked by other operations.
On error, the function throws a [CMemoryException](../Topic/ or [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
[!CODE [NVC_MFCOleContainer#32](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCOleContainer#32)]
## <a name="colesafearray__redim"></a> COleSafeArray::Redim
Changes the least significant (rightmost) bound of a safe array.
void Redim(SAFEARRAYBOUND* psaboundNew);
### Parameters
Pointer to a new safe array bound structure containing the new array bound. Only the least significant dimension of an array may be changed.
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [COleException](../Topic/
## <a name="colesafearray__resizeonedim"></a> COleSafeArray::ResizeOneDim
Changes the number of elements in a one-dimensional `COleSafeArray` object.
void ResizeOneDim(DWORD dwElements);
### Parameters
Number of elements in the one-dimensional safe array.
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
See the example for [COleSafeArray::CreateOneDim](#colesafearray__createonedim).
## <a name="colesafearray__unaccessdata"></a> COleSafeArray::UnaccessData
Decrements the lock count of an array and invalidates the pointer retrieved by `AccessData`.
void UnaccessData();
### Remarks
On error, the function throws a [COleException](../Topic/
### Example
See the example for [COleSafeArray::AccessData](#colesafearray__accessdata).
## <a name="colesafearray__unlock"></a> COleSafeArray::Unlock
Decrements the lock count of an array so it can be freed or resized.
void Unlock();
### Remarks
This function is called after access to the data in an array is finished. On error, it throws a [COleException](../Topic/
## See Also
[Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/
[COleVariant Class](../Topic/
[CRecordset Class](../Topic/
[CDatabase Class](../Topic/