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Differential query | Graph API concepts

Applies to: Graph API | Azure Active Directory

This topic discusses the differential query feature of Azure AD Graph API. A differential query request returns all changes made to specified entities during the time between two consecutive requests. For example, if you make a differential query request an hour after the previous differential query request, only the changes made during that hour will be returned. This functionality is especially useful when synchronizing tenant directory data with an application’s data store.

To make a differential query request to a tenant’s directory, your application must be authorized by the tenant. For more information, see Integrating Applications with Azure Active Directory.

This article applies to Azure AD Graph API. For similar info related to Microsoft Graph API, see Delta query overview.


Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Graph is deprecated and is currently in its retirement path. We recommend that you migrate your apps to Microsoft Graph.

Differential query requests

This section describes differential query requests. All requests require the following components:

  • A valid request URL, including the Graph endpoint for the tenant and applicable query string parameters.

  • An authorization header, including a valid access token issued by Azure Active Directory. For more information on authenticating to the Graph API, see Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD.

Differential query request URL

The following shows the format of the URL for differential query request; square brackets [] indicate optional elements.<tenantId>/<resourceSet>?api-version=<SupportedApiVersion>&deltaLink=<token>&[$filter=isof(<entityType>)]&[$select=<PropertyList>]

The URL is made up of a hierarchical segments followed by a series of query string parameters expressed as key-value pairs.

URL: Hierarchical segments

Segment Description
tenantId The unique identifier of the tenant that the query should be executed against. This is typically one of the verified domains (verifiedDomains property) of the tenant, but it can also be the tenant’s object ID (objectId property). Not case-sensitive.
resourceSet The specific set of tenant resources this query should be executed against. Determines what resources are returned in the query response. Supported values are: “directoryObjects”, “users”, “contacts” or “groups”. Values are case-sensitive.

URL: Query string parameters

Parameter Description
api-version Specifies the version of the Graph API against which the request is issued. Required. Beginning with version 1.5, the value is expressed as a numeric version number; for example, api-version=1.5. For previous versions, the value is a string of the form YYYY-MM-DD; for example, api-version=2013-04-05.

(Replaces the use of x-ms-dirapi-data-contract-version header in the preview version of Graph API.)
deltaLink The token returned in either the deltaLink property or the nextLink property in the last response. Required, but will be empty on the first request.

(Replaces the skipToken query string parameter in the preview version of Graph API.)
$filter Indicates which entity types should be included in the response. Optional. The supported entity types are: User, Group and Contact. Only valid when &ltresourceSet&gt is “directoryObjects”; otherwise, &ltresourceSet&gt overrides the filter. For example, if &ltresourceSet&gt is “users”, and the $filter parameter is also specified, only changes for users will be returned regardless of what is specified in the filter value. If &ltresourceSet&gt is “directoryObjects” and $filter is not specified, changes for all of the supported entity types (User, Group, and Contact) are returned.

To specify a single entity type, use one of the following:
  • $filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Contact')
  • $filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User')
  • $filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Group')
To specify multiple entity types, use the or operator; for example, $filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User')%20or%20isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Group').

(Replaces the objectScope query string parameter in the preview version of Graph API.)

Important Beginning with version 1.5, the Graph API namespace is changed from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory to Microsoft.DirectoryServices. Earlier versions of the Graph API continue to use the previous namespace; for example, $filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Contact').
$select Specifies which properties should be included in the response. If *$select^ is not specified, all properties are included.

Properties can be specified either fully qualified or non-qualified. Multiple properties are delimited by commas.
  • Fully qualified properties have the entity type specified; for example, User/displayName. Fully qualified properties MUST be used if &ltresourceSet&gt is specified as “directoryObjects”; for example,$select=User/displayName,Group/description.
  • Non-qualified properties do not have the entity type specified; for example, displayName. They can only be used when &ltresourceSet&gt is specified as a value other than “directoryObjects”; for example,$select=displayName,jobTitle.

Note: The key-value pairs in the query string are case-sensitive, but their order is not significant.

The following is an example of the simplest differential query. This is used during initial sync.

The following is an example of a subsequent request.`

Differential query responses

This section describes the contents of a differential query response that is returned when a differential query request is made. The following list describes the contents of a response:

  • Zero to 200 DirectoryObject entities, each of which contains changes for a specific User, Group, or Contact object.

  • Zero to 3000 DirectoryLinkChange entities, each of which contains changes for a specific member or manager link.

  • Either a deltaLink or a nextLink property. In either case, its value is a case-sensitive, URL-encoded string that embeds state information about the set of directory changes that have been returned to the client, with respect to remaining changes that have occurred in the directory. This string (or token) should be included in the deltaLink query string parameter in the next differential query request.

    • If the deltaLink property is returned, there are no more directory changes left for the application to synchronize after this response. The application can wait for some predetermined time according to its own requirements to issue the next differential query request.

    • If the nextLink property is returned, there are directory changes remaining for the application to synchronize after this response. The application should issue the next differential query request at its earliest convenience.

Responses are always returned in JSON format.

Considerations when using differential query

The following list highlights important considerations for applications that use differential query:

  • Changes returned by differential query represent the state of the directory objects at the time of the response. Your application must not treat these changes as transaction logs for replay.

  • Changes appear in the order in which they occurred. The most-recently changed objects appear last even if the object was updated multiple times. Their order is also not affected by when the client received the changes. As a result, it is possible for changes to be presented out of order compared to how they initially occurred in the directory.

  • Your application must be prepared for replays, which occur when the same change appears in subsequent responses. While differential query makes a best effort to reduce replays, they are still possible.

  • Your application must be prepared to handle a deletion change for an object it was not aware of.

  • Differential query can return a link to a source or target object that has not yet been returned by other responses.

  • See the Additional differential query features section below for more information on using request headers to constrain your queries to improve performance.

Request and response examples

The following is an example of an initial differential query request:

GET$filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User')%20or%20isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Group')%20or%20isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Contact')&deltaLink= HTTP /1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV . . . KUAe1EQ

The following is an example of an incremental differential query request:$filter=isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User')%20or%20isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Group')%20or%20isof('Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Contact')&deltaLink=AAABAGCL8z4m%2bc9IJGIzYjFmYzU5LTg0YjgtNDQwMC1hNzE1LWVhOGE3ZTQwZjRmZQBuvX43ACZQT4LRVPug8An6AAABAANIABAfGgAQwAMAJDCHA5AAABAATCkAA44TADQnhAQAIAAAgAHAAwAQAAAA8rLSTyfq5U
 HTTP /1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV . . . KUAe1EQ

Note: In both of these sample requests, the $filter query parameter is shown for demonstration purposes only. Because the filter specifies all of the possible target types for the differential query (User, Group, and Contact), it could be omitted and the query would return changes for all of these entity types by default.

The following example response demonstrates the returned JSON:

  "odata.metadata": "$metadata#directoryObjects",

  # This is the deltaLink to be used for the next query
  "aad.deltaLink": " [Truncated]",
  "value": [

    # User object for John Smith
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User",
      "objectType": "User",
      "objectId": "dca803ab-bf26-4753-bf20-e1c56a9c34e2",
      "accountEnabled": true,
      "displayName": "John Smith",
      "givenName": "John",
      "mailNickname": "johnsmith",
      "passwordPolicies": "None",
      "surname": "Smith",
      "usageLocation": "US",
      "userPrincipalName": ""

    # Group object for IT Administrators
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Group",
      "objectType": "Group",
      "objectId": "7373b0af-d462-406e-ad26-f2bc96d823d8",
      "description": "IT Administrators",
      "displayName": "Administrators",
      "mailNickname": "Administrators",
      "mailEnabled": false,
      "securityEnabled": true

    # Contact object for Jane Smith
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.Contact",
      "objectType": "Contact",
      "objectId": "d711a1f8-21cf-4dc0-834a-5583e5324c44",
      "displayName": "Jane Smith",
      "givenName": "Jane",
      "mail": "",
      "mailNickname": "johnsmith",
      "proxyAddresses": [
      "surname": "Smith"

    # Member link indicating John Smith is a member of IT Admin Group
      "odata.type": "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryLinkChange",
      "objectType": "DirectoryLinkChange",
      "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "associationType": "Member",
      "sourceObjectId": "7373b0af-d462-406e-ad26-f2bc96d823d8",
      "sourceObjectType": "Group",
      "sourceObjectUri": "",
      "targetObjectId": "dca803ab-bf26-4753-bf20-e1c56a9c34e2",
      "targetObjectType": "User",
      "targetObjectUri": ""

Additional differential query features

Differential Queries can now return only updated properties and links – this allows faster processing and reduced payloads for Differential Query calls. This option is enabled by setting the header ocp-aad-dq-include-only-changed-properties to true as shown in this example.

GET furK18V1T….
HTTP /1.1
ocp-aad-dq-include-only-changed-properties : true
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik5nl0aEV1T….
Response: 200 OK

For example if only the “displayName” property of user has changed. The returned object would be similar to this:

          "displayName" : "AnUpdatedDisplayName",
         "objectId" :  "c1bf5c59-7974-4aff-a59a-f8dfe9809b18",
         "objectType" :  "User",
          "odata.type" :  "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User"

Differential Sync support to sync from “now” - a special header can be specified, requesting to only get an up-to-date deltaToken, this token can be used in subsequent queries, which will return only changes from “now”. Here’s the example call:

HTTP /1.1
ocp-aad-dq-include-only-delta-token: true
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik5nl0aEV1T….
Response: 200 OK

The response will contain the deltaLink, but will not have the changed object(s), similar to this:

{   …  "aad.deltaLink":   }

Detecting a deleted item – the response can also be used to detect a deleted item. Deleted objects and deleted links are indicated by the "aad.isDeleted" property with a value set to true; this is necessary to make sure applications can learn about the deletion of previously created objects and links.

Additional resources