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AffinityGroupOperationsExtensions Members

Represents the extensions for affinity group management.

The following tables list the members exposed by the AffinityGroupOperationsExtensions type.

Public Methods

  Name Description
Create Creates a new affinity group in the specified subscription.
CreateAsync Asynchronously creates a new affinity group in the specified subscription.
Delete Deletes an affinity group from the specified subscription.
DeleteAsync Asynchronously deletes an affinity group from the specified subscription.
Get Returns the system properties that are associated with the specified affinity group.
GetAsync Asynchronously returns the system properties that are associated with the specified affinity group.
List Lists the affinity groups that are associated with the specified subscription.
ListAsync Asynchronously lists the affinity groups that are associated with the specified subscription.
Update Updates the label or description of an affinity group in the specified subscription.
UpdateAsync Asynchronously updates the label or description of an affinity group in the specified subscription.


See Also


AffinityGroupOperationsExtensions Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management Namespace