Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Models Namespace
The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management namespace contains classes that provide information and settings for managing your service deployments and storage accounts.
Class | Description | |
AffinityGroupListResponse.AffinityGroup | Represents an affinity group. |
AffinityGroupCapabilities | Specifies the capabilities that are associated with an affinity group. |
AffinityGroupCreateParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to create an affinity group. |
AffinityGroupGetResponse | Represents an affinity group. |
AffinityGroupListResponse | Represents the list of affinity groups. |
AffinityGroupUpdateParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to update an affinity group. |
ComputeCapabilities | The compute capabilities. |
AffinityGroupGetResponse.HostedServiceReference | Represents a cloud service that is associated with an affinity group. |
LocationsListResponse.Location | Represents a data center location. |
LocationAvailableServiceNames | Specifies the services that are available at a location. |
LocationNames | Specifies the location names for Microsoft Azure. |
LocationsListResponse | Represents the list of available locations. |
ManagementCertificateCreateParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to a create a management certificate. |
ManagementCertificateGetResponse | Represents a management certificate. |
ManagementCertificateListResponse | Represents the list of management certificates in a subscription. |
SubscriptionListOperationsResponse.OperationCallerDetails | Represents the attributes that identify the source of an operation. |
RoleSizeListResponse.RoleSize | A role size that is valid for your subscription. |
RoleSizeListResponse | The List Role Sizes operation response. |
StorageCapabilities | The storage capabilities. |
AffinityGroupGetResponse.StorageServiceReference | Represents a storage service that is associated with an affinity group. |
ManagementCertificateListResponse.SubscriptionCertificate | Represents a management certificate. |
SubscriptionGetResponse | Represents the information about a subscription. |
SubscriptionListOperationsParameters | Represents the parameters are used to list the operations that have been performed on a subscription. |
SubscriptionListOperationsResponse | Represents the list of subscription operations. |
SubscriptionListOperationsResponse.SubscriptionOperation | Represents an operation that has been performed on the subscription during the specified timeframe. |
SubscriptionOperationNames | Specifies the name of a subscription operation. |
Enumeration | Description | |
SubscriptionStatus | Specifies the status of the subscription. |
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