Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.Models Namespace
The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.Models contains classes that represents information and settings for Windows Azure Websites.
Class | Description | |
BackupItem | A specific backup. |
BackupRequest | A specific backup. |
BackupSchedule | Defines a backup schedule for a website. |
WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse.ConnectionStringInfo | Represents the connection string for a database or other external resources. |
WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters.ConnectionStringInfo | Represents a connection string for a database and other external resource. |
WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.Database | Represents a database connection. |
DatabaseBackupSetting | A specific backup. |
WebSiteOperationStatusResponse.Error | Information about an error that occurred during the operation. |
WebSpacesListGeoRegionsResponse.GeoRegion | Represents an available geo-region for a web space. |
GeoRegionNames | Specifies the available geo-region names. |
WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse.HandlerMapping | Represents a custom executable program for handling requests for specific file name extensions. |
WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters.HandlerMapping | Represents a custom executable program for handling requests for specific file name extensions. |
HistoricalUsageMetric | Historical metric snapshot for the web site. |
HistoricalUsageMetricData | Historical metric snapshot data for the web site. |
HistoricalUsageMetricNames | Specifies the available historical usage metrics. |
HistoricalUsageMetricSample | Historical metric snapshot data sample. |
WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.PublishProfile | Represents a publish profile. |
RampUpRule | Specifies a routing rule which can divert traffic to different site based on re-route percentage and host name.and can ramp up/down traffic based on metrics based algorithm or based on custom logic exposed as REST API |
RestoreRequest | Restore request to either a new or an existing site. |
RoutingRule | Specifies a routing rule which can divert traffic to different site based on re-route percentage and host name. |
WebSiteGetUsageMetricsResponse.UsageMetric | Represents a usage metric. |
WebSpacesListPublishingUsersResponse.User | Represents a publishing user. |
WebHostingPlan | A web hosting plan associated with the specified subscription. |
WebHostingPlanCreateParameters | Parameters supplied to the Create Web Web Hosting Plan operation. |
WebHostingPlanCreateResponse | The Create Web Web Hosting Plan operation response. |
WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters | Parameters supplied to the Get Historical Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation. |
WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse | The Get Historical Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation response. |
WebHostingPlanGetResponse | The Get Web Hosting Plan operation response. |
WebHostingPlanListResponse | The List Web Hosting Plans operation response. |
WebHostingPlanUpdateParameters | Parameters supplied to the Update Web Web Hosting Plan operation. |
WebHostingPlanUpdateResponse | The Create Web Hosting Plan operation response. |
WebSite | Represents a web site. |
WebSiteBackupResponse | The backup record created based on the backup request. |
WebSiteCreateParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to create a web site. |
WebSiteCreateResponse | Represents the details of the created web space. |
WebSiteDeleteParameters | Parameters supplied to the Delete Web Site operation. |
WebSiteDeleteRepositoryResponse | Represents the deleted web site repository. |
WebSiteGetBackupConfigurationResponse | Scheduled backup definition. |
WebSiteGetBackupsResponse | List of backups for the website. |
WebSiteGetConfigurationResponse | Represents the configuration of a web site. |
WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to retrieve historical usage metrics. |
WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse | Represents the retrieved historical usage metrics. |
WebSiteGetParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to retrieve a web site. |
WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse | Represents the retrieved publish profiles of a web site. |
WebSiteGetRepositoryResponse | Represents the retrieved web site repository. |
WebSiteGetResponse | Represents a retrieved web site. |
WebSiteGetUsageMetricsResponse | Represents the retrieved usage metrics. |
WebSite.WebSiteHostNameSslState | Represents the SSL states that are bound to a web site. |
WebSiteUpdateParameters.WebSiteHostNameSslState | Represents the SSL state that is bound to a web site. |
WebSiteInstanceIdsResponse | The web site instance ids response. |
WebSiteIsHostnameAvailableResponse | The Is Hostname Available Web Site operation response. |
WebSiteListParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to list websites. |
WebSiteOperationStatusResponse | The response body contains the status of the specified long-running operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, has timed out, or has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If the long-running operation failed, the response body includes error information regarding the failure. |
WebSite.WebSiteProperties | Represents the properties of a web site. |
WebSiteRestoreDiscoverResponse | The information gathered about a backup storaged in a storage account. |
WebSiteRestoreResponse | Restore operation information. |
WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to update the configuration of a web site. |
WebSiteUpdateParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to the update a web site. |
WebSiteUpdateResponse | Represents an updated web site. |
WebSpacesListResponse.WebSpace | Represents a retrieved web space. |
WebSiteCreateParameters.WebSpaceDetails | Represents the information about the web space to create. |
WebSpaceNames | Specifies available web space names. |
WebSpacePlanNames | Specifies a web space plan. |
WebSpacesCreatePublishingUserParameters | Represents the parameters that are used to create a publishing user. |
WebSpacesCreatePublishingUserResponse | Represents the created publishing user. |
WebSpacesGetDnsSuffixResponse | Represents the retrieved DNS suffix. |
WebSpacesGetResponse | Represents the retrieved web space. |
WebSpacesListGeoRegionsResponse | Represents the retrieved list of geo-regions for a DNS suffix. |
WebSpacesListPublishingUsersResponse | Represents the retrieved publishing users. |
WebSpacesListResponse | Represents the retrieved web spaces. |
WebSpacesListWebSitesResponse | Represents a retrieved list of websites. |
Enumeration | Description | |
BackupItemStatus | Backup status |
ConnectionStringType | ||
FrequencyUnit | Defines the unit for the backup frequency |
ManagedPipelineMode | The managed pipeline mode of a web site. |
RemoteDebuggingVersion | The remote debugging version. |
SkuOptions | Usage of a web site's quota. |
WebSiteComputeMode | Specifies the compute mode for a web site. |
WebSiteMode | Specifies the operation mode of a web site. |
WebSiteOperationStatus | The status of the asynchronous operation. |
WebSiteRuntimeAvailabilityState | Specifies the runtime availability of a web site. |
WebSiteSslState | Specifies the SSL state of a web site. |
WebSiteUsageState | Specifies the quota usage of a web site. |
WebSpaceAvailabilityState | Specifies the availability of a web space. |
WebSpaceStatus | Specifies the status of a web space. |
WebSpaceWorkerSize | Specifies the size of a web space worker. |
WorkerSizeOptions | The size of a web worker. |
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