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IWebSiteOperations Interface


Represents the interface for the operations that are used to manage the websites in a web space.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.dll)


public interface IWebSiteOperations
public interface class IWebSiteOperations
type IWebSiteOperations = interface end
Public Interface IWebSiteOperations


Name Description
BackupAsync(String, String, BackupRequest, CancellationToken)

Backups a site on-demand.

BeginSwappingSlotsAsync(String, String, String, String, CancellationToken)

You can swap a web site from one slot to another slot.

CreateAsync(String, WebSiteCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously creates a website.

CreateRepositoryAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously creates a website repository.

DeleteAsync(String, String, WebSiteDeleteParameters, CancellationToken)

You can delete a web site by issuing an HTTP DELETE request. If the web site being deleted is the only site remaining in a server farm, you can optionally delete the server farm as well by using the deleteEmptyServerFarm parameter. (see for more information)

DeleteRepositoryAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously deletes a Website Repository.

DiscoverAsync(String, String, RestoreRequest, CancellationToken)

Scans a backup in a storage account and returns database information etc. Should be called before calling Restore to discover what parameters are needed for the restore operation.

GeneratePasswordAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously generates a password for publishing a website.

GetAsync(String, String, WebSiteGetParameters, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously retrieves information for a website.

GetBackupConfigurationAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Gets a schedule configuration for site backups.

GetConfigurationAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously retrieves the configuration settings for a website.

GetHistoricalUsageMetricsAsync(String, String, WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously retrieves historical usage metrics for a site.

GetInstanceIdsAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

You can retrieve the list of active instances by ids for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)

GetPublishProfileAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously retrieves the publish settings information for a website.

GetRepositoryAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously retrieves a website repository.

GetUsageMetricsAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously retrieves the usage metrics of a website.

IsHostnameAvailableAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Determines if a host name is available.

ListBackupsAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Returns list of all backups which are tracked by the system.

RestartAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously restarts a website.

RestoreAsync(String, String, RestoreRequest, CancellationToken)

Restores a site to either a new site or existing site (Overwrite flag has to be set to true for that).

SwapSlotsAsync(String, String, String, String, CancellationToken)

You can swap a web site from one slot to another slot.

SyncRepositoryAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository sync operation. (see for more information)

UpdateAsync(String, String, WebSiteUpdateParameters, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously updates the settings for a website.

UpdateBackupConfigurationAsync(String, String, BackupRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates a backup schedule for a site.

UpdateConfigurationAsync(String, String, WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously updates the configuration settings for a website.

Extension Methods

Name Description
Backup(String, String, BackupRequest)

Backups a site on-demand.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

BackupAsync(String, String, BackupRequest)

Backups a site on-demand.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

BeginSwappingSlots(String, String, String, String)

You can swap a web site from one slot to another slot.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

BeginSwappingSlotsAsync(String, String, String, String)

You can swap a web site from one slot to another slot.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Create(String, WebSiteCreateParameters)

You can create a web site by using a POST request that includes the name of the web site and other information in the request body. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

CreateAsync(String, WebSiteCreateParameters)

You can create a web site by using a POST request that includes the name of the web site and other information in the request body. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

CreateRepository(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository create operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

CreateRepositoryAsync(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository create operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Delete(String, String, WebSiteDeleteParameters)

You can delete a web site by issuing an HTTP DELETE request. If the web site being deleted is the only site remaining in a server farm, you can optionally delete the server farm as well by using the deleteEmptyServerFarm parameter. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

DeleteAsync(String, String, WebSiteDeleteParameters)

You can delete a web site by issuing an HTTP DELETE request. If the web site being deleted is the only site remaining in a server farm, you can optionally delete the server farm as well by using the deleteEmptyServerFarm parameter. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

DeleteRepository(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository delete operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

DeleteRepositoryAsync(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository delete operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Discover(String, String, RestoreRequest)

Scans a backup in a storage account and returns database information etc. Should be called before calling Restore to discover what parameters are needed for the restore operation.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

DiscoverAsync(String, String, RestoreRequest)

Scans a backup in a storage account and returns database information etc. Should be called before calling Restore to discover what parameters are needed for the restore operation.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GeneratePassword(String, String)

You can generate a new random password for publishing a site by issuing an HTTP POST request. Tip: If you want to verify that the publish password has changed, issue an HTTP GET on /publishxml before calling /newpassword. In the publish XML, note the hash value in the userPWD attribute. After calling /newpassword, call /publishxml again. You can then compare the new value of userPWD in the Publish XML with the one you noted earlier. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GeneratePasswordAsync(String, String)

You can generate a new random password for publishing a site by issuing an HTTP POST request. Tip: If you want to verify that the publish password has changed, issue an HTTP GET on /publishxml before calling /newpassword. In the publish XML, note the hash value in the userPWD attribute. After calling /newpassword, call /publishxml again. You can then compare the new value of userPWD in the Publish XML with the one you noted earlier. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Get(String, String, WebSiteGetParameters)

You can retrieve details for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetAsync(String, String, WebSiteGetParameters)

You can retrieve details for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetBackupConfiguration(String, String)

Gets a schedule configuration for site backups.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetBackupConfigurationAsync(String, String)

Gets a schedule configuration for site backups.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetConfiguration(String, String)

You can retrieve the config settings for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetConfigurationAsync(String, String)

You can retrieve the config settings for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetHistoricalUsageMetrics(String, String, WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters)

You can retrieve historical usage metrics for a site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetHistoricalUsageMetricsAsync(String, String, WebSiteGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters)

You can retrieve historical usage metrics for a site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetInstanceIds(String, String)

You can retrieve the list of active instances by ids for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetInstanceIdsAsync(String, String)

You can retrieve the list of active instances by ids for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetPublishProfile(String, String)

You can retrieve the publish settings information for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetPublishProfileAsync(String, String)

You can retrieve the publish settings information for a web site by issuing an HTTP GET request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetRepository(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository get operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetRepositoryAsync(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository get operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetUsageMetrics(String, String)

You can retrieve current usage metrics for a site by issuing an HTTP GET request. The metrics returned include CPU Time, Data In, Data Out, Local Bytes Read, Local Bytes Written, Network Bytes Read, Network Bytes Written, WP Stop Requests, Memory Usage, CPU Time - Minute Limit, and File System Storage. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

GetUsageMetricsAsync(String, String)

You can retrieve current usage metrics for a site by issuing an HTTP GET request. The metrics returned include CPU Time, Data In, Data Out, Local Bytes Read, Local Bytes Written, Network Bytes Read, Network Bytes Written, WP Stop Requests, Memory Usage, CPU Time - Minute Limit, and File System Storage. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)


Determines if a host name is available.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)


Determines if a host name is available.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

ListBackups(String, String)

Returns list of all backups which are tracked by the system.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

ListBackupsAsync(String, String)

Returns list of all backups which are tracked by the system.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Restart(String, String)

You can restart a web site by issuing an HTTP POST request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

RestartAsync(String, String)

You can restart a web site by issuing an HTTP POST request. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Restore(String, String, RestoreRequest)

Restores a site to either a new site or existing site (Overwrite flag has to be set to true for that).(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

RestoreAsync(String, String, RestoreRequest)

Restores a site to either a new site or existing site (Overwrite flag has to be set to true for that).(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

SwapSlots(String, String, String, String)

You can swap a web site from one slot to another slot.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

SwapSlotsAsync(String, String, String, String)

You can swap a web site from one slot to another slot.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

SyncRepository(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository sync operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

SyncRepositoryAsync(String, String)

A web site repository is essentially a Git repository that you can use to manage your web site content. By using Git source control tools, you can push or pull version-controlled changes to your site. This API executes a repository sync operation. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

Update(String, String, WebSiteUpdateParameters)

You can update the settings for a web site by using the HTTP PUT method and by specifying the settings in the request body. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

UpdateAsync(String, String, WebSiteUpdateParameters)

You can update the settings for a web site by using the HTTP PUT method and by specifying the settings in the request body. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

UpdateBackupConfiguration(String, String, BackupRequest)

Updates a backup schedule for a site.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

UpdateBackupConfigurationAsync(String, String, BackupRequest)

Updates a backup schedule for a site.(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

UpdateConfiguration(String, String, WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters)

You can update the config settings for a web site by issuing an HTTP PUT with a request body containing the updated settings. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

UpdateConfigurationAsync(String, String, WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters)

You can update the config settings for a web site by issuing an HTTP PUT with a request body containing the updated settings. (see for more information)(Defined by WebSiteOperationsExtensions.)

See Also

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites Namespace

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