Virtual List-View
This code sample is named VirtualListView. It demonstrates how to use a virtual list-view.
Feature Area
Relevant APIs
- Shell, GWES, and User Interface
- List-View Controls macros
- ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle function
- ListView_InsertColumn function
- ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle function
- ListView_SetImageList function
- ListView_SetItemCount function
To run the code sample
Navigate to the solution file (*.sln), and double-click it. By default, the solution files are copied to the following folders:
C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\Common\CPP\Win32\VirtualListView
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 launches and loads the solution.
Build the solution (Ctrl+Shift+B).
Deploy the solution (F5).
Development Environments
SDK: Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK and Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK
Development Environment: Visual Studio 2005.
ActiveSync: Version 4.5.
See Also
Code Samples for Windows Mobile
List Views
Owner Drawn List-View