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Operations Manager 2007 Monitor Properties Dialog Box: Alerting Tab

Use the Alerting tab of the Monitor Properties dialog box to view alert settings and properties for the monitor.

This tab contains the following elements.

  • Generate alerts for this monitor
    Determines whether alerts will be generated for the monitor.
  • Generate an alert when
    Specifies conditions under which an alert should be generated.
  • Automatically resolve the alert when the monitor returns to a healthy state
    Specifies that an alert will be automatically resolved when the monitor returns to a healthy state.
  • Alert name
    Specifies the name of the alert.
  • Priority
    Specifies the priority level of the alert.
  • Alert Description
    Provides a description of the alert.
  • Severity
    Specifies the severity level of the alert.

See Also


Operations Manager 2007 Monitor Properties Dialog Box


Operations Manager 2007 Create a unit monitor Wizard: Configure Alerts Page

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