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About the Management Packs Node in Operations Manager 2007

In Operations Manager 2007, when you select the Management Packs node in the Administration pane, you get a list of all Management Packs imported into your Management Group. From the Administration pane, you can also import and create a new Management Pack. If you right-click an individual Management Pack in the results pane, you can view its properties, remove it, or export any customizations to another Management Group.


You can export only Management Packs that are unsealed. For more information about sealed and unsealed Management Packs, see Management Pack Formats.

See Also


How to Check Management Pack Dependencies
How to Check the Version of an Imported Management Pack
How to Create a Management Pack in Operations Manager 2007
How to Export Management Pack Customizations
How to Import a Management Pack in Operations Manager 2007
How to Remove a Management Pack


About Management Packs in Operations Manager 2007
Overrides in Operations Manager 2007

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