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_ismbcalnum, _ismbcalnum_l, _ismbcalpha, _ismbcalpha_l, _ismbcdigit, _ismbcdigit_l


The latest version of this topic can be found at _ismbcalnum, _ismbcalnum_l, _ismbcalpha, _ismbcalpha_l, _ismbcdigit, _ismbcdigit_l.

Checks whether a multibyte character is an alphanumeric, alpha, or digit character.


This API cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime. For more information, see CRT functions not supported with /ZW.


int _ismbcalnum  
   unsigned int c   
int _ismbcalnum_l  
   unsigned int c,  
   _locale_t locale  
int _ismbcalpha  
   unsigned int c   
int _ismbcalpha_l  
   unsigned int c,  
   _locale_t locale  
int _ismbcdigit  
   unsigned int c   
int _ismbcdigit_l  
   unsigned int c,  
   _locale_t locale  


Character to be tested.

Locale to use.

Return Value

Each of these routines returns a nonzero value if the character satisfies the test condition or 0 if it does not. If c<= 255 and there is a corresponding _ismbb routine (for example, _ismbcalnum corresponds to _ismbbalnum), the result is the return value of the corresponding _ismbb routine.


Each of these routines tests a given multibyte character for a given condition.

The versions of these functions with the _l suffix are identical except that they use the locale passed in instead of the current locale for their locale-dependent behavior. For more information, see Locale.

Routine Test condition Code page 932 example
_ismbcalnum,_ismbcalnum_l Alphanumeric Returns nonzero if and only if c is a single-byte representation of an ASCII English letter: See examples for _ismbcdigit and _ismbcalpha.
_ismbcalpha,_ismbcalpha_l Alphabetic Returns nonzero if and only if c is a single-byte representation of an ASCII English letter: 0x41<=c<=0x5A or 0x61<=c<=0x7A; or a katakana letter: 0xA6<=c<=0xDF.
_ismbcdigit,_ismbcdigit Digit Returns nonzero if and only if c is a single-byte representation of an ASCII digit: 0x30<=c<=0x39.


Routine Required header
_ismbcalnum,_ismbcalnum_l <mbstring.h>
_ismbcalpha,_ismbcalpha_l <mbstring.h>
_ismbcdigit,_ismbcdigit_l <mbstring.h>

For more compatibility information, see Compatibility.

.NET Framework Equivalent

See Also

Character Classification
_ismbc Routines
is, isw Routines
_ismbb Routines