BizDataErrorCodes Enumeration
For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.
Specifies the type of error codes encountered.
Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles
Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles.BizDataAdmin (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles.BizDataAdmin.dll)
Public Enumeration BizDataErrorCodes
Dim instance As BizDataErrorCodes
public enum BizDataErrorCodes
public enum class BizDataErrorCodes
public enum BizDataErrorCodes
Member name | Description | |
ERR_PROFILE_EXISTS | Caller is attempting to create profile, but one already exists. | |
ERR_SOURCE_EXISTS | The Data Source already exists and cannot be created or modified. | |
ERR_XMLDOC_ISNULL | The XML document or an element is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) | |
ERR_WRONG_PARAM | The UserName or the Password is in error. | |
ERR_INVALID_TYPEDEF | The data type for source member is invalid. | |
ERR_INVALID_TYPEDEF_FOR_SOURCE | The data type for source member is invalid (data type invalid for source type). | |
ERR_NOTCONNECTED | You are not connected to the Data-Source. | |
ERR_XML_PARSE | There have been an parsing errors in the XML document. | |
ERR_CATALOG_EXISTS | Caller is attempting to create a new catalog and there is already one by the specified name. | |
ERR_CATALOG_NOTFOUND | The specified catalog doesn't exist. | |
ERR_SOURCE_NOTFOUND | Caller attempts to update an existing data-source and there is none by that name. | |
ERR_CATALOG_DELETEFAILED | Cannot delete catalog Source. | |
ERR_PROFILE_NOTFOUND | Caller is attempting to retrieve the Profile but the profile/ catalog does not exist. | |
ERR_PROFILEPATH_INVALID | The input argument for the profile-path is an invalid path. | |
ERR_SOURCEPATH_INVALID | The data-source by processing input args is an invalid source-path. | |
ERR_MEMBER_EXISTS | Caller is attempting to create a new property or group but one already exists by that name in the database | |
ERR_MEMBER_NOTFOUND | Caller is attempting to update an existing property but none exists in the database. | |
ERR_MEMBER_NOT_GROUP | The profile-member corresponding to group in the XML document is not a group. | |
ERR_CACHEDPROP_IS_KEY | A cached property cannot be a key. | |
ERR_CACHEDPROP_IS_PRIMARYKEY | The primary key for this profile may not be a cached (non-persistent) property. | |
ERR_CACHEDPROP_IS_JOINKEY | The join key for this profile may not be a cached (non-persistent) property. | |
ERR_MEMBER_INVALID_NEWDELETE | One or more profile-members have invalid attributes.The document is checked as New and to do a Delete. | |
ERR_MEMBER_INVALID_MODIFIEDDELETE | The document is checked to do a both a Modify and the Delete. | |
ERR_MEMBER_INVALID_NEWMODIFIED | One or more profile-members have invalid attributes. The document is checked as New and to do a Modify. | |
ERR_GROUP_NOTDELETABLE | The Fields status is 1. The group cannot be deleted because it is critical to the profile. | |
ERR_ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS | Caller is attempting to create a new attribute but one already exists in the database. | |
ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOTFOUND | Caller is attempting to update an existing attribute but none exists in the database. | |
ERR_TABLE_EXISTS | The data-object already exists. | |
ERR_TABLE_NOTFOUND | The data-object could not be found. | |
ERR_COLUMN_EXISTS | Caller is attempting to create a new data-member and the data-member already exists. | |
ERR_COLUMN_NOTFOUND | Caller is attempting to update an existing column and the data-member could not be found. | |
ERR_INVALID_KEYDEF | The keyDef attribute is invalid. | |
ERR_DELETE_INVALIDNODE | The node within the profile catalog that you are attempting to delete is an invalid node. | |
ERR_NO_SRCINFOS | No source-infos were specified for data-source. | |
ERR_TOO_MANY_SRCINFOS | More than one source-info is specified for non-partitioned data-source. A non-partitioned data source may only have one source-info. | |
ERR_NOT_ONE_DEFAULT_SRCINFO | One source-info must be marked as default for data-source. | |
ERR_SRCINFO_NOTFOUND | The source-info could not be found in data-source. | |
ERR_SRCINFO_SRCTYPE | The source type of data-source cannot be modified. | |
ERR_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS | The Data-Source contains too many partitions. A single data source cannot have more than 2 partitions. | |
ERR_DATAREF_INVALIDFORMAT | The data-reference does not have three parts. All three parts are positive-length strings, separated by a ".". | |
ERR_DATAREF_INVALIDREF | The data-references do not refer to a known data-source/ data-object/ data-member combination. | |
ERR_DATAREF_ALREADYUSED | Caller is attempting to add a data column and the column was already mapped. | |
ERR_MULTIPLE_RDNATTRS | The profile contains multiple properties marked as the RDN Attribute for the data source. Exactly one RDN Attribute must be defined for each LDAPv3-compliant data source. | |
ERR_MULTIPLE_HASHKEYS | The profile contains multiple properties marked as the hashing key | |
ERR_INVALID_RDNATTR | The profile-property is marked as an RDN-attribute, but does not map to an LDAPv3-compliant data-source. | |
ERR_PROP_INVALID_HASHKEY | The profile-property is marked as a hashing-key, but does not map to any partitioned data-sources. | |
ERR_NO_RDN_ATTRIBUTE | The profile uses an LDAPv3-compliant data-source, but no property is marked as the RDN-attribute. Exactly one RDN Attribute must be defined for each LDAPv3-compliant data source. | |
ERR_ONLY_ONE_SRCINFO | The data-source is partitioned and there is more than one source-info. | |
ERR_CATALOG_NOCUSTOMATTRS | The catalogs do not have any custom attributes. | |
ERR_PROFILEPATH_NOTFOUND | The provided path does not point to an existing profile. | |
ERR_CUSTOMATTR_BADTYPE | The custom attribute is of an unexpected type. | |
ERR_FIXEDATTR_NOTFOUND | The fixed-attribute does not exist. | |
ERR_DATASOURCE_NOCUSTOMATTRS | The Data-sources do not have custom attributes. | |
ERR_DATAOBJECT_NOCUSTOMATTRS | The Data-Object Members do not have any custom attributes. | |
ERR_DATAMEMBER_NOCUSTOMATTRS | The Data-Members do not have any custom attributes. | |
ERR_SOURCEPATH_NOTFOUND | The Data-Source does not exist at the provide path. | |
ERR_FIXEDATTR_WRITEFAILED | An attempt to write the fixed attribute failed. | |
ERR_DELSOURCE_HASDEPENDS | You are attempting to delete a data-source that is mapped to a profile. You cannot delete a data-source if profiles still use it. | |
ERR_PROFILE_INVALIDNAME | The new profile is being created with invalid chars in the name. | |
ERR_PROPERTY_INVALIDNAME | Caller is attempting to create a new property with invalid characters in the name. | |
ERR_GROUP_INVALIDNAME | A new group is being created with an invalid char in the name. | |
ERR_ATTRIBUTE_INVALIDNAME | Caller is attempting to create a new attribute but the provided name has invalid characters. | |
ERR_SOURCE_INVALIDNAME | The data source cannot be created because the source name contains invalid characters. | |
ERR_SOURCE_INVALIDTYPE | The sourceType attribute of the DataSource is an invalid source type or is not specified. | |
ERR_TABLE_INVALIDNAME | Caller is attempting to create a new data object with invalid characters in the name. | |
ERR_PRIMARYKEY | Profile could not be created/updated because it does not have exactly one primary key defined. | |
ERR_JOINKEY | Profile could not be created/updated because it does not have exactly one join key defined. | |
ERR_INVALIDTYPE_RDNATTR | The profile-property is marked as an RDN-attribute, but is not of type 'STRING'. | |
ERR_INVALID_HASHKEY | The hashing-keys are invalid. They are a STRING or NUMBER type. | |
ERR_INVALID_UNIQUEKEY | The profile-property is marked as a unique, primary, and/or join key, but is not of type 'STRING' or 'NUMBER'. | |
ERR_INVALIDMAP | The profile property is mapped to a data member in a source which is not referenced by the join key. | |
ERR_DUPLICATEJOINMAP | The join key references more than one data member from a single source. A join key may map to only one member from a data object. | |
ERR_KEY_MULTIVALUE | The property cannot be multi-valued because it is a key. | |
ERR_OLEDB_MULTIVAL | The property cannot be marked as multi-valued. It references a data member from an OLEDB-ANSI source. Only members of type 'STRING' may be marked as multi-valued. | |
ERR_VALUE_TOO_LONG | Caller is attempting to write to a database field, but the string is too long. | |
ERR_MISSING_COREDLL | The Microsoft Commerce Server Core library is missing, not registered, or could not load properly. Please reinstall Commerce Server. | |
ERR_DUPLICATE_SOURCENAME | A Data-Source already exists with the name. | |
ERR_DUPLICATE_PARTITIONNAME | A Data-Source partition already exists with the specified name. | |
ERR_NOCONNECTION | No connection is open to the database. The Connect() method should be called first. | |
ERR_INVALID_DATATYPE | The property is mapped to an incorrect data type. | |
ERR_INVALID_MARKEDTYPEREF | The property in profile is incorrectly marked as a reference type. | |
ERR_INVALID_MULTI | The properties are mapped to correct datatype. This property is mapped as a multi-valued property but it is a string, a profile, or a siteterm that cannot be multi-valued. | |
ERR_INVALID_TYPEREF | The property in profile is referencing an invalid type. | |
ERR_INVALID_PROPTYPE | The property in profile is of incorrect type. | |
ERR_INVALID_MAPPEDDATA | The property in profile is mapped to a data member but this data member does not exist. | |
ERR_INVALID_MAPPEDDATATYPE | The property in profile is mapped to data member of incorrect type | |
ERR_INVALID_PROFILEREF | The property in profile is referencing a profile that does not exist. | |
ERR_INVALID_SITETERMREF | The property in profile is referencing a siteterm that does not exist. | |
ERR_MAX_NUMBER_PROFILES | You have more than the maximum number of profile definitions. The default value is 1024 profiles. | |
ERR_COULDNOT_RESOLVE_SITES | Cannot find the catalog. | |
ERR_BAD_NAMESPACE | The xml does not contain the correct namespace. | |
ERR_INVALID_CATALOG_NAME | The catalog 'name is an invalid name. | |
ERR_MISSING_CATALOG | The file does not contain any catalogs. | |
ERR_INVALID_CONNSTR_TOKENS | Operations cannot be performed against the Master database. | |
ERR_INVALID_ENCRYPTION | Invalid encryption has been found. | |
ERR_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PROFILELEVEL | Invalid encryption for the customized attributes on the profile has been found. | |
ERR_INVALID_ENXPORTED_PROPERTY | An invalid property type is being exported (BOOL, BINARY, IMAGE, LONGTEXT, or PASSWORD). |