List Default Page
The List default page lets shoppers see their lists. The List default page displays a collection of a signed-in shopper's lists and has the following functionality:
Displays the list of lists with the name and total of each list displayed
Lets a shopper select a default list
Lets a shopper delete a list
Lets a shopper create a new list and optionally set this new one as the default
User Controls
There are no custom user controls required for this page.
Web Parts
You use the My Lists Web Part on this page to provide the following functionality:
Shows a table listing the signed-in shopper's lists.
Each line will show a radio button to identify the default list, the list name, the total number of items in the list, and a link to delete the list on this line
Provides a "Save Default" button to allow saving the state of the radio buttons
Provides a text box to enter the name of a new list
Provides a "Save as default List" checkbox to set the new list as the default
Provides a "Create List" button to create a list using the values of the text box and checkbox