Pipeline Component Reference
For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.
This section contains reference material for the following pipeline components that are supplied with Commerce Server.
Pipeline Component Name |
Description |
Adds attachments to a direct mail message. |
Checks the inventory status for items in the customer's basket. |
Creates the body of a direct mail message. |
Collects cookie data to pass to an Active Server Pages (ASP) page creating a personalized direct mail message. |
Makes sure that advertisements are selected often enough to meet business commitments. |
Used to target particular groups for advertising, content selection, and discounts. This component evaluates a list of expressions for each item in a list and adjusts item selection scores. |
Applies provided filters to a content list in a Content Selection pipeline (CSP). |
Merges data from selected items and their associated templates to form formatted strings. These are usually HTML strings ready for display on the page. |
Applies penalties to content items based on how recently they have been selected. |
Records information about content selection results in the QueryString field of the Internet Information Services (IIS) log file. |
Used at the beginning of a Content Selection pipeline (CSP) to initialize the values needed in the rest of the pipeline. |
Loads advertising data for the Content Selection Framework through the CacheManager object. |
Loads discount data for the Content Selection Framework through the CacheManager object. |
Retrieves a history string from a user profile, an item in the ASP session collection, or a cookie. |
Records event delta counts for the selected content items (the winners) in the Performance dictionary. |
Records the identifiers of the winning content items in the history list string. |
Records the history string in one of three locations: the User Profile object, the Active Server Pages (ASP) session collection, or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) cookie. |
Adjusts scores of discount items to promote discounts most relevant to the current user. |
Selects items based on their final scores in the Content Selection pipeline. |
Used with the CacheManager object to log Content Selection Framework events. |
Used as placeholder handling components. They initialize the total handling for the order to zero (0). |
Sets the regular price of an item to the list price returned by pipeline components such as QueryCatalogInfo or QueryProdInfoADO. |
Calculates the subtotal for the order. |
Assigns a default value to the payment authorization code. This component is usually replaced by a third-party payment component. |
Placeholder shipping components. They set the shipping cost to zero (0). |
Moves information from the Shopper dictionary in the Context dictionary of the pipeline to the OrderForm. |
Set the tax fields of the order to zero (0). These components are usually replaced by third-party tax components. |
Calculates the order total from the subtotals. |
Applies discounts to the shopping basket. |
Applies order-level subtotal discounts. |
Processes payments on an order. |
Sends a purchase order or other textual data to a file. |
Retrieves catalog information for every item in the order form. |
Records the promotion codes that have been applied to the order and adds promotional discounts to the list of discounts for the order form. |
Validates promotion codes and marks them as redeemed. |
Verifies that the handling total is present in the order. |
Ensures that the current price for each item in the order is set and that it has not been changed since the last time the basket was viewed. |
Verifies that each item in the order form has a regular price assigned to it. |
Adjusts the total cost of each item in the order after applying any discounts. |
Verifies that the order form contains at least one item. |
Initializes the payment authorization code, order ID, totals, and subtotals in the order form. |
Ensures that a subtotal exists on the order form. |
Verifies that the payment authorization code exists in the order form (is not NULL). |
Deletes items flagged for deletion by a previous Product Info stage component. |
Verifies that the shipping total has been set. |
Verifies that the total tax and tax included appear in the order form. |
Verifies that values on a page have not been tampered with or reset. The components compare values in the order against values in the _Verify_With dictionary. |
Validates and reserves promotion codes. |
Executes a script in a Microsoft ActiveX scripting language. |
Sends a direct mail message composed in earlier stages in the pipeline. |
Sends an e-mail message to a specified recipient. |
Applies shipping discounts to the order. |
Used with the CacheManager object to load shipping data for the multiple shipments shipping architecture. |
The ShippingMethodRouter pipeline component looks up and runs the pipeline components that calculate shipping costs for individual shipments, and then calculates the shipping total for the entire order. |
Divides the order into groups based on a list of item keys. Frequently used to divide the order into multiple shipments. |
Calculates shipping costs for shipments in the multiple-shipment shipping architecture. This component is never directly used in a pipeline; it is run by the ShippingMethodRouter pipeline component. |
Controls the speed with which direct mail messages are processed by the pipeline. |
Checks the inventory status for an array of stock-keeping units (SKUs) and updates the SKU quantities in the Inventory System. |
Checks the expiration date of a credit card and performs a checksum test on the number. |
Checks the body of a direct mail message according to the user flags. |
Checks the data about the recipient of a direct mail message. |
A troubleshooting and debugging tool that outputs the contents of the OrderForm object to a log file during any stage of pipeline execution. |