MIDL Property Pages: General
The latest version of this topic can be found at MIDL Property Pages: General.
The General property page in the MIDL folder specifies the following MIDL compiler options:
Preprocessor Definitions (/D)
Additional Include Directories (/I)
Ignore Standard Include Path (/no_def_idir)
MkTypLib Compatible (/mktyplib203)
Warning Level (/W)
Warn As Error (/WX)
Suppress Startup Banner (/nologo)
MIDL Char Type (/char)
Target Environment (/env)
Generate Stubless Proxies (/Oicf)
For information on how to access the General property page in the MIDL folder, see How To: Specify Project Properties with Property Pages.
For information on how to programmatically access MIDL options for C++ projects, see VCMidlTool object.