About the Stream Buffer Engine
This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.
The Stream Buffer Engine uses two or more independent filter graphs. One filter graph, called the sink graph, captures data from a live source. The other graphs, called source graphs, render the data. Using several filter graphs is more flexible and scalable than using a single graph for both capture and rendering. The sink graph stores the data in a temporary buffer or in permanent files, while the source graphs read the data from those files. Several source graphs can read data from the same sink source.
A source graph can:
- Seek forward or backward within the stored content.
- Pause playback, without interrupting the data coming from the capture graph.
- Play faster or slower than normal.
- Play in reverse.
Tasks such as scheduling a viewing session or a recording session are left to the client application.
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Build date: 12/4/2008