ITuningSpaceContainer::TuningSpacesForName Method
The TuningSpacesForName method retrieves a collection of tuning spaces that match the specified name.
HRESULT TuningSpacesForName(
[in] BSTR Name,
[out] ITuningSpaces **ppTuningSpaces
Name [in]
String that contains a regular expression to match against either the friendly name or the unique name of the tuning space.ppTuningSpaces [out]
Address of variable that receives an ITuningSpaces interface pointer. Use this interface to enumerate the collection. The caller must release the interface.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if successful. If the method fails, error information can be retrieved using the standard COM IErrorInfo interface.
The returned collection might be empty, if no tuning spaces match the name.
CComPtr <ITuningSpaceContainer> pTuningSpaceContainer;
// Create the SystemTuningSpaces object (not shown).
// Try to match any tuning spaces named "Local (something) Cable".
CComPtr<ITuningSpaces> pTunes;
CComBSTR bstrName("Local.*Cable");
hr = pITuningSpaceContainer->TuningSpacesForName(bstrName, &pTunes);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Find the size of the returned collection.
long cCount = 0;
hr = pTunes->get_Count(&cCount);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (cCount > 0))
// Enumerate the collection.
CComPtr<IEnumTuningSpaces> pTuneEnum;
hr = pTunes->get_EnumTuningSpaces(&pTuneEnum);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Use IEnumTuningSpaces to iterate through the collection.
Header | Declared in Dshow.h. |
DLL | Requires Quartz.dll. |
See Also
ITuningSpaceContainer Interface
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Build date: 12/4/2008