Side-By-Side Execution for COM Interop
Side-By-side execution enables COM applications to safely access multiple versions of managed components through COM interop services. For a summary of side-by-side concepts and configuration models, see the Side-by-Side Execution Overview.
In This Section
- Runtime Initialization from a COM Application
Describes how COM interop selects a runtime version and resolves managed types. - Version-Dependent Registry Keys
Identifies the registry subkeys for multiple assemblies. - Configuring a COM Application for Side-By-Side Execution
Describes the configuration files used to specify a version of the runtime and a managed component. - Applying Version-Dependent Attributes
Identifies version-dependent attributes and describes their uses. - COM Components and Side-By-Side Execution
Discusses the impact of multiple versions of a COM component.
Related Topics
- Using Side-by-Side Execution
Introduces side-by-side execution and provides procedural information. - Primary Interop Assemblies
Describes how to create and use primary interop assemblies. - Registration-Free COM Interop
Describes how COM interop can activate components without using the Windows registry.